There is no recourse to right these wrongs except the ballot, and to persist in resisting the actions of this minority of zealots.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” - Frederick Douglass

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Great quote.

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And a great man. We need more like him.

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Sadly, not all men share your reticence to weigh in on the difficult decisions women (and girls) make every day in this country. J D Vance has no such concern. When he ran for Senate in 2022 his stance on the issue was two words. “Ban abortion”. If his boss changes his position to suit his audience, Vance does not. Nor does Project 2025.

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

I can’t even think of a comment on these senseless acts of violence. Who in their right mind buys an AR-15 as a Christmas gift for a kid…peace on earth, eh?

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

or buy an AR15 at all? It is a weapon of war for mass death and destruction. It's disgusting that they are so easily available to buy and give.

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These weapons are NO good for hunting - they destroy! There is NO point. Not that it matters at this place and time, but what was the initial "thought" behind selling them for public use? I imagine thought didnt come into it - only some gun manufacturer who realized with the NRA's assistance they could make more profit. Other than that? Just beyond me.

But then, how is it possible to use profit as a reason to endanger people's - hell, mainly children's lives? That alone should push even this moronic, idiotic bunch of politicians to do something about it - thoughts and prayers at this point are really irritating.

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Who indeed?

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I learned it was legal in Colorado.😟

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

Oh PLEASE tag on to the Front Page!!!!

Always informative and usually funny. I would mail his column to my sister in the Finger Lakes.

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

Hi Ken,

I sent a donation in memory of Gillian to the Episcopal Church in Luzerne to 220 Lake Avenue but it was returned as undeliverable by the Post Office. Where can I send it??

Thank you, Frank lfcappa@gmail.com

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Send it to me at: 301 Butler Pond Rd., Queensbury, 12804

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

"Just the world we live in?" Or don't live. J.D. Vance tells us voters that school shootings are "A fact of life." That life now includes shooter drills for five year olds, classrooms full of dead first graders whose faces have been obliterated, and their blown-away teachers.

We MUST elect a government which isn't in the thrall of the gun lobby; who will commit to gun control, buy-backs, red flag laws, parental responsibility , and most of all, the banning of assault weapons with punishment for offenders.

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

These mass shootings are "a fact of death."

Senseless, random death. With an extra dose of horror doled out to the survivors.

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Well said!

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I’ve given up writing about the insanity of not trying to keep assault rifles out of the hands of people that shouldn’t have them. It’s a good sign that the father of this 14 year old in Georgia is being charged. These incidents don’t happen in a vacuum and maybe that will make folks consider if they’re enabling a dangerous individual.

My best friend growing up lives in Lewiston a half mile from the bowling alley that was one of the scenes of carnage. So, I paid a little additional attention to that shooting.

I’m really happy to see that Bob Henke is going to be writing again and happy just to hear that he’s well. I was hoping he’d do a substack. There’s a worldwide audience there for him.

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After Sandy Hook, I mostly gave up as well.

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I don't think that most people recall automatic weapons for civilians were banned under Clinton only to have the Republicans allow it to lapse. As a result we have had a multitude of Lewistons in this country. Instead of owning up to this Republicans cite the need for teachers to carry guns and other remedies that fail to address the key issues. And I guess there are some Democrats mixed in there too.

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I have to recommend highly a video of Beau of the 5th Column answering a question from a teacher regarding the current push to arm them. VERY VERY hard to hear but frankly, makes sense where politicians do NOT have even a vague understanding of what it would mean. I hope the link is correct.


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Hi Maggie the following is also from the Beau of the 5th Column https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y98VmDJYp4w .

It’s an interesting perspective on the Harris-Walz ad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6oQXN2WNtU&t=4s

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Thanks I hadnt watched either of these yet. Very little common sense & intelligence anywhere on media these days!!

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

I shudder to think of the suffering that can be avoided in Louisiana with the plan of this law. 😥.

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It is frightening.

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Sep 9Liked by Ken Tingley

So sad that it took 18 deaths for more attention to be paid to people who shouldn’t have guns. With all the shootings that happen now, all the red flags everywhere should be taken more seriously.

I always enjoyed Bob Henke’s articles and missed them. I also enjoyed Forrest Hartley’s columns.

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Sep 10Liked by Ken Tingley

I kno many of the police are against citizens carrying guns because when a violent gun attack occurs, they can’t tell who the bad guys are.

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Sep 10Liked by Ken Tingley

When the Crumbles were sentenced for manslaughter for their son's killing 4 kids at his school, the judge talked about their not acting when there were so many clear signs of danger. The same with the father of the young 14 year old killing four in a Georgia school using an assault weapon his father gave him. There are always signs that should warn us, telling us to stop a clear and present danger. In this next presidential election there are clear signs of the grave danger of Trump and his Maga followers: Trump's violent rhetoric, his rousing of hatred, his threats against all who are not loyal to him, his support of insurrectionists, oath keepers, moms for liberty....So here's a question: how can so many Americans, kind and good people, vote him into power rather than take away his capacity to do such great harm to democracy and to our earth..

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To say the least, it is puzzling.

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Thank you, Ken, for the kind words. We had quite a run at the PS. I rather enjoyed our jousting over style. I like to create patterns and sort of play with words, you were the master of one sentence paragraphs. When you became editor, poor Greg Brownell had to be the intermediary. I admire his patience. I will have trouble adjusting to this new gig with the Greenwich Journal because the first thing the editor asked was if I could make the columns just a bit longer. I do think of you and Will every day.

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