I don't begin to understand why this is even a question.

Of course they should fly it and it would be interesting for me to know who and what reasons they may have for not supporting this idea .

Here in SGF we again have the hate on full display by Chris Music who's running for BOE again.

I ask myself every single day - literally- why can't people just live their best lives and be who they are?

Call it out - speak up. Be an ally.

Because it matters.

And Stefanik ? She doesn't care about anyone but herself period. She most certainly does not care about BLM or the LGBTQ community. Or even women for that matter.

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At the risk of being rebuked, Nex Benedict instigated the confrontation that started the fight by throwing a cup of water on one of the other persons. The fight did not cause Nex's death. They did not die from injuries sustained in the fight. The last time I checked the autopsy was inconclusive on cause of death.

Otherwise, I agree with what you wrote. If you have any more recent information on Nex's death I'd like to know about it.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

I agree with you… except the paragraph in which you assured us that “ putting up a pride flag… doesn’t risk … banishment from family, employment…” Really? It is still not uncommon in this area to be ostracized, disowned, or even physically harmed for supporting the LGBTQIA+ population or- heaven forbid- coming out as a member. Hate and ignorance are alive and well.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

Wholeheartedly in agreement with everything in your article. Those of us in Saratoga know this issue well. And a pox on Stephanic and her evil ways.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

So typically, a wonderful, wonderful column in so many ways, Will....thank you!!!

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

Yes fly those flags!!!! Fight small fearful behavior- it's time to act!!! Jane

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Fly the flag. It's still hazardous to be LGBTQ. Just ask Nex Benedict's parents. We need to work until ALL of us are seen as brothers and sisters.

And if you're still not sure what love is, look at the wonderful photo of Bella and Ringo in the woods, closely followed by their best friend, Will.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

Good words today Will. President Biden reflected Thursday night for ALL Americans.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

Thank you for your article, Will. It was unfortunate that the Stefanik canvassers did not spend some time with you to listen to your concerns. Though, you might have intimidated them a little. I would suggest that the Stars & Stripes fully represents all who live in this country. Other flags that support movements/causes (Blue & Black Stars & Stripes, POW/MIA, BLM, PRIDE, etc.) should not be flown on government properties as they may likely be controversial and continue to create divisiveness.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

Thank you for your thoughts. Many of us struggle to find a positive path through all the thoughtless rhetoric and negativity . Common sense and acts of kindness should not require great acts of courage, but here we are. Yes, fly flags of inclusion in public spaces. We all belong. We are a community. We will be better for it.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

Yes!! Thank you for this post.

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Mar 10Liked by Ken Tingley

The Chapman Museum has been flying the Pride flag permanently, for months. Only one person so far has voiced her offense at seeing that flag, even after I expressed that it represents Welcoming and Inclusive sentiments. (If we can't be welcoming and inclusive, we should be wary of the day some people will find any of us offensive and dangerous). She said she would write a letter to the Chapman board. It's still flying.

I love your response, Mr. Doolittle, to the S-k campaigners. Too many people among us still balk at and object to the statement that boldly rejects the centuries old prejudice and outright criminal abuses against people with darker skin. I agree that we shouldn't keep silent. Every inclusive action helps. I enjoy your healthful walks vicariously.

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Don't forget to visit the Steven Amenhauser Museum in Rochester NY . Steven was doused in gasoline and suffered an extremely painful death 8 hours later. Police said it was the most horific crime they've ever witnessed but grateful the City of Rochester holds an annual "Steven Amenhauser Day" on March 16th. Some City's do have compassion for victims of hate.

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Thank you again, Will, for your words and wisdom. Just a few more words on flags. By my house we have a Peace flag and an Earth flag, I buy the earth flag for only 12 dollars and give it as a gift to friends because it so beautiful waving in the wind. I wave the flag on the south glens falls bridge at 12:15 on Fridays with our "Climate Action Now" posters. It actually moves my own heart to see its beauty, our earth. And a friend just gave me buttons: Make America Kind Again. She gave me 15 buttons which I have distributed to those who see my button and like it...because don't we all want kindness touching our hearts, opening our hearts.

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Beautiful column, Will. I have a BLM lawn sign and just put up my Blessed Ramadan lawn sign. I will fly my pride flag in June. I’m not going to convince one hater to stop hating. But these tiny gestures may help someone who is questioning all this hate to understand they are not alone.

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