Your suggestions as to where debates should be held in NY-21 seem based on the old district not the new one. Watertown will not be in the new district but Amsterdam, Schoharie, and Cooperstown are now in.
Yes this is true, but obviously Watertown is still a population center that could attract people from her district. But you are right that perhaps events in Oneonta, Schenectady or Albany would also be appropriate.
Nice post. The PS is now a shell of its former self. Maybe it’s my own prejudices, but the editorials and editorial cartoons they run seem to skew distinctly rightward. Suppose I can’t complain as long as they accept my letters.
Thanks, Ken. Just to add to what you say about misinformation, the lack of debates (League of Women Voters has said they had tried to contract Stefanik about a debate but she did not answer), and the refusal to write something that might be seen as "partisan" rather than straight facts --all allow conspiratorial lies and namecalling to prosper. The Post Star has tried to do reality checks; there is a group called "Vote Smart" which has a pamphlet "Voters Self Defense Manual" which lists all the important votes by all reps and senators; Will Bunch just wrote on his blog about CNN being taken over by the moneyed interests and good people quiting over the shift to to "both sides" rather than what is true-- also Post and Times which somehow do not name what is clear. Most news did not show or print Biden's excellent speech about Maga Republicans and the danger to democracy. Last night PBS World showed "Lies, Politics, and Democracy tracing the descent into total allegians and support for Trump and the lie of a "stolen election"-- the violence it allowed--the complicity of almost all of his party, the threats against all dissenters. It will be showed again on "world" on Saturday and Sunday. So thank you for your Front Page...IT is important to name and speak out....Ken Burns' new series is on the Holocaust and the complicity of the US...starting Sept. 18....I believe his research will show the roots of fascism...
I notice that Elise usually evades true District concerns by telling us that NY-21 voters know where she stands on guns, immigration and other MAGA triggers -- and she is responding to her "constituents." I think she's confusing "constituents" -- the citizens of the District -- with her campaign donors, whose millions mostly come from out-of-district and out-of-state sources. She certainly responds to them.
Your suggestions as to where debates should be held in NY-21 seem based on the old district not the new one. Watertown will not be in the new district but Amsterdam, Schoharie, and Cooperstown are now in.
Yes this is true, but obviously Watertown is still a population center that could attract people from her district. But you are right that perhaps events in Oneonta, Schenectady or Albany would also be appropriate.
Sadly, given the amount of announced public appearances Mrs. Stefanik had made since COVID, I'm willing to bet she wont accept.
Nice post. The PS is now a shell of its former self. Maybe it’s my own prejudices, but the editorials and editorial cartoons they run seem to skew distinctly rightward. Suppose I can’t complain as long as they accept my letters.
What a sad is almost no local editorials. We used to write 250 local editorials a year.
Thanks, Ken. Just to add to what you say about misinformation, the lack of debates (League of Women Voters has said they had tried to contract Stefanik about a debate but she did not answer), and the refusal to write something that might be seen as "partisan" rather than straight facts --all allow conspiratorial lies and namecalling to prosper. The Post Star has tried to do reality checks; there is a group called "Vote Smart" which has a pamphlet "Voters Self Defense Manual" which lists all the important votes by all reps and senators; Will Bunch just wrote on his blog about CNN being taken over by the moneyed interests and good people quiting over the shift to to "both sides" rather than what is true-- also Post and Times which somehow do not name what is clear. Most news did not show or print Biden's excellent speech about Maga Republicans and the danger to democracy. Last night PBS World showed "Lies, Politics, and Democracy tracing the descent into total allegians and support for Trump and the lie of a "stolen election"-- the violence it allowed--the complicity of almost all of his party, the threats against all dissenters. It will be showed again on "world" on Saturday and Sunday. So thank you for your Front Page...IT is important to name and speak out....Ken Burns' new series is on the Holocaust and the complicity of the US...starting Sept. 18....I believe his research will show the roots of fascism...
thanks again,
Excellent synopsis of the political headwinds we all face.
I notice that Elise usually evades true District concerns by telling us that NY-21 voters know where she stands on guns, immigration and other MAGA triggers -- and she is responding to her "constituents." I think she's confusing "constituents" -- the citizens of the District -- with her campaign donors, whose millions mostly come from out-of-district and out-of-state sources. She certainly responds to them.
What ever happened to her repeal and replace of Obamacare?