Continue to keep grace and compassion at the fore of this journey. It helps soften the sting of the difficulties. ✌️

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Whenever I see an FJB sticker, flag or T-shirt I immediately discount the intelligence, seriousness and credibility of the cretin displaying it.

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This is so sweet. Dogs are a great comfort.

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I appreciate the well-written accounts of your and Bella’s experiences. God bless you both.

I also appreciate the FJB stickers in the same way as I do confederate flags. They identify jerks that I would want nothing to do with. I thank them for self-identifying that they belong to the cult.

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Thank you for sharing your journey.

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I am so touched and heartened by your essay today. It's the story of love.

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Looks like the crude, braindead people are alive and well in this country. That shows more about THEM than it does Biden.

I remember how confused my mother would be after I brought her back home when I took her to a doctor's appointment. She would look at the house and say, "I live HERE?" After a day she would be settled back in. So sad that it confuses them so much.

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Today's blog and podcast are so deeply personal, yet so educational for all of us. I am struck by the immense love you share, the well of patience you embody and how ephemeral memory is, even for those of us who are not yet diagnosed with memory loss. Thank you for sharing this love and this journey. It reinforces my gratitude for the peace, comfort and security I currently enjoy from moment to moment with the knowledge that whatever may happen to interrupt that peace, comfort and security, all kinds of love, care and compassion has sustained me, and all of us, through to that point.

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Thank you for sharing your difficult journey.

As far as the Freedom of Speech issue, I agree with others when it alerts us to those we want to stay away from!

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Thank you for sharing your journey with Bella. I so admire your patience and love that you show her. I also agree with everyone about the stickers and shirts that say these obscene things. My young grandchild can now read and I cringe when then read them aloud.

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Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving with Bella, Ringo and family. Heartwarming.

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There's a rusty old truck with huge tires that carries both the Confederate flag and the F*** Joe Biden flag. Doesn't bother to hide behind initials.

It's disgusting . And goes beyond simple ignorance.

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At least we weren’t at Thanksgiving dinner with him. Must be like the Algonquin Round Table. Enjoy some Rex Huppke on the holiday.


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A poignant and beautiful piece to read as well as listen to. Love the inclusion of Bella in the podcast and her chance to express her love for Ringo and reminiscing about their Thanksgiving weekend. You gave Bella the dignity and space to be herself in those moments and you communicated with such devotion and respect. Thank you for the opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences with us.

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Love conquers all! Thanks again for your sensitivity and sharing. Shalom to all!

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Thank you so much for sharing you journey.

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Hats off to you, my friend. Your tales of you and Bella warm my heart and break it at the same time.

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