Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Ken, thanks for posting this. It explains some of the backstory of why we held a the hearing. I see that a number of your followers agreed with my statements on your original post on this matter. Carol and I and all the other Conservative Party chairs are with us, and we did this in Saratoga county because we think it’s pretty obvious what was going on.

The word loyalty was a problem, and it caused a fire storm at the Gazette, and at the Times Union.

Having said all this, do you think we were justified in doing what we did? Should we have done something different?

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

The value of this online forum was evident more than ever within the respectful, insightful exchanges between Mr. Buchyn, you, and other readers on Wed. You offered him an opportunity to explain “the rest of the story” as radio commentator Paul Harvey used to say, an open window into the dynamics within opposing parties…the good, the bad, and the ugly corruption of the democratic process on local and national levels. I wish him well in his efforts to maintain his own integrity, and that of others who strive to hold the line within what remains of political ethics.

Joe Girard 3’s heartfelt note of gratitude reflects the essence of his long-standing level of true sportsmanship within all his athletic achievements in our local high school, Syracuse U. and Clemson. He is the epitome of the adage “There is no ME in Team.” He entered Clemson as an outsider, low man on the totem pole of seasoned Seniors and undergrads who had already earned their way to the starting “5”. Game after game he could have hogged the ball for his own 3 pt. stardom, but he kept passing to others who had better chances for scores that swept the whole team to victories. He will always be a winner in whatever career path he chooses in the years ahead.

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I suggest you contact Joe Seeman who knows alot about the WFP.

I've never heard of Republicans trying to infiltrate but I know if anyone on the *left* would know it's him.

I live in Saratoga County....we had Kusnierz and he was also Saratoga County Supervisor....not a fan of anyone who followed his lead as I know what his agenda was and where his *loyalty * was. And it was not to the people.

It's all about power and people worried about their piece of the pie.

Just my opinion without really digging into this.

But that said digging just gets you deeper down the rabbit hole.

I'm pretty wary of anyone who is a Conservative Republican these days. Unfortunate but actions by this group nationally have been targeting against women and the lgbtq community.

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But I applaud the respectful dialogue!

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Ken, no need to go back as far as Bob Regan to point out the pressure placed on an elected official to endorse a candidate of the same party regardless if that candidate is qualified or not. Look to the recent election for the office of Warren County Clerk. Just about every elected republican office holder, current or retired, endorsed a candidate with little experience or qualifications for the position. The then current County Clerk endorsed the most qualified candidate which was not the party nominated candidate. Fortunately, most voters realized the importance of qualifications over party registration. The reality is those officials who lent their name to the long list of endorsement of the losing candidate didn't plan to vote for that candidate. Not exactly a profile in courage. The Conservative party is trying to keep their party viable. Though you may not agree with their platform, you may agree they certainly have a right to exist. Politics is a nasty sport.

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

These days there seems to always be someone with a negative view/post. But I must say this fairy tale that we hear from some about the "good days" before 2020? Talk about living in a fantasy world!

As a registered Democrat, I think these smaller parties need all the help they can get. Honestly, anyone who wants to be a different "version" of the GOP now needs everyone's support! Maybe THAT is how the Republican Party becomes itself again.

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

As to your comment in the Girard column’s last paragraph about listening once in awhile… a great many of us could benefit from a class that my husband took in college called the art of listening.. he could even benefit from a brush up class.. ah but I digress.

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

As most who work pay social security since they first started working until they stop why can’t all pay their working lives until they stop? That burden if you will would be carried by all.

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

The Republican Party is scary today. They are so out of touch and are not responsible to the people who elected them, but rather to big business and the wealthy.

I have said for years that all earned income should be subjected to Social security tax and also that the monthly checks should be capped at a reasonable amount raised annually tied to inflation.

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You make me so uncomfortable with your poor grammar which is holdover from your Post Star Days. Doesn't anyone ever look at your writing before publication!!! The glaring use of ARE in your title instead of OUR is shameful!!!!! Teacher Z

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

there should be no cap on social security wages at all. if the cap were removed, ss would be solvent into the far distant future. why should rich people pay a smaller percentage of their wages than middle-class people? it makes no sense.

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Ken Tingley writes in a comment: “I believe most people believe there should more choices beyond the two major parties and not less.”

If the goal is to find greater “choice” for voters there is no reason for the Conservative Party to exist. That isn’t a political bias on my part, it is a simple fact that the Conservative Party has virtually no candidates who aren’t on the DEM or REP lines. That is not choice. It isn’t even Coke vs Pepsi which are both colas. It is then DEM on the DEM and WFP lines and REP on the REP and CON lines., or sometimes a DEM on the CON line.

The only party of any size that actually offers another choice on a consistent basis is the Green Party.

But there is a very real choice in the political philosophies of Democrats vs Republicans/Conservatives, CHOICE being a pertinent word at the moment particularly for women, LGBTQ, for basic human rights. Democrats want to provide choice and opportunity and REP/CONs are committed to eliminate choice.

There is a very real choice between the political philosophies of Democrats who are fundamentally committed to expansion of core human rights, and those on the conservative side who are working to limit human rights and expand powers of commercial interests.

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks for keeping us informed. Great article!

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Anyone else feel the sudden tremor/shaking at 10:30 AM that lasted several seconds???

I was sitting in my computer chair when it suddenly started vibrating and items on my desk started rattling and brief sense of vertigo…

Turned TV on and “The View” commentators said “quake” felt in NYC at the same time here in our area…

Buckle up!

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Apr 5Liked by Ken Tingley

ABC and other sites reporting Quake registered 4.8 within NYC area…and definitely felt here in Queensbury! Whew - thought it was just me!

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

Ken, regarding your article titled "Commenting", I wish to provide some clarity.

In your article, you posted:

"Both Will Doolittle and myself try to set a tone for respect and debate when people comment on our writing. There are some that are always changing the subject or steering the conversation back to politics even if the commentary is not about politics. They always seem to be looking for an argument. That can be frustrating. One of those people commented on Glens Falls basketball legend Joe Girard III saying his Clemson teammates this year were the best he ever had. The commenter said Girard had insulted his high school teammates. I disagree."

I was the "one of those people". I had previously posted the following:


Regarding your article on Joe Girard III, I watched alot of his games this year. He was excellent on the perimeter with his passing, but he did not seem to always shoot with authority. However, the way he played the last few minutes against Alabama, he was closer to what everyone saw in HS. His comment to the media that his Clemson teammates were "The best teammates he ever had" was disappointing. His HS teammates, who bought into, and sacrificed for, Rob Girard's game plan to run everything through Joe, were probably a little blindsided."

So, I did NOT say that Joe insulted his HS teammates. I said that I felt Joe's comment was disappointing, and well you can re-read the rest.

You decided to take my posting out of context, and unfairly twisted my words. You decided to use this as your example in your article which highlighted the need for better listening and respectful commenting, which, believe me, is very true in this forum.

I'm not looking for or requesting an apology or retraction, just fairness from someone who continues to hold him out as a journalist. Thanks!!

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