Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

What sticks out to me is the lack of a real and meaningful discussion regarding our security, our defense and our national place in the world. Both-sideism fails here, it's the likes of Stefanik who demonize her political opponents as if they were the mortal enemy. How the hell do we work with that? Do missile defence systems make us safer? Do they put a bulls eye on the back of Fort Drum? The greatest risk to our country was January 6, and Ms. Stefanik wants to give the perpetrators of that fiasco a pass. We desperately need a Republican Party that has a sense of honor and honesty and intellectual integrity, that I fear is nowhere to be found. And sorry Ken, I do still worry about nuclear war, more so since Ukraine, and the other side of our political isle now favors Putin and Russia, wow....

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Depending on who you talk to, I don't think there is a clear vision of who the enemy is anymore. Nuclear war is not something I fret about, probably because I don't think I would want to live in what is left of the world afterward.

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Hi Richie you write that we desperately need a Republican Party that has a sense of honor and honesty and intellectual integrity. That Republican Party may have died with the passing John McCain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain

Watch the following here I believe John McCain shows a sense of honesty and intellectual integrity that you are looking for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjenjANqAk

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

This is not meant as a defense of Stefanik who is repugnant, but doesn’t the missile system story undercut the argument that she doesn’t look out for her district and only cares about her own ambitions?

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Indeed think it’s more a means to justify her ends…to look strong on defense.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

She likes socialism when it benefits her ambitions. What does Eli$e have to say about Project 2025 cutting Headstart funds?

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If you believe that the missile defense system that the military doesn’t want is likely to come to fruition then there would be localized benefit to Watertown for a project that has little overall benefit to the district as a whole in building a sustainable and strong economy.

But it is more likely she realizes it will never be built and her advocacy is smoke and mirrors.

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My guess is she realized the Pentagon does not have a clear vision for the future and that might not change for some time so she hopes to get the $10 infusion in planning spent in her district and take credit for that.

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Woohoo! $10 million in wasteful spending!

If only NY21 could get a much larger share of planning for wasteful projects we could have a lot more highly paid jobs for people to spend an entire career of efforts that amount to nothing!

Farming and logging are hard, dirty, dangerous jobs. Those people could shut down those operations and go into government work.

Maybe Stefanik is onto something.

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She will take credit for anything that might be a talking point. Anything that looks good on her résumé. Whether she voted for or against it.

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Since Stefanik is a member of the Armed Services Committee, it seems to me it shows her lack of focus on the larger picture which is that missile defense probably is not such a great defense if mass casualties are involved. Instead, she focuses on what would be beneficial to her politically, securing the missile defense system at Fort Drum.

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See article below for interesting info on missile defense systems based on U.S. soil.


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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

2 thoughts on the big budget defense proj. 1) $$$suck, all too often such projects end up with high $ overruns 2) yup, it's a target on our back and Canada

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

Seems Stefanik is not under consideration as Trump's VP but you're probably looking at the next Defense Secretary. Stefanik will get that missle defense system at Fort Drum by hook or by crook.

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I fear that might be Michael Flynn - if the unthinkable happens - so I'm not sure Stefanik would get that, but it would be a strong possibility she gets something in the cabinet. Maybe her college president attacks is aimed at getting her education.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

Hopefully there are a few Republicans with a spine who would torpedo Flynn's nomination. Doubt Flynn would get any votes to approve his nomination from the dems.

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I suspect Trump would not ask for approval and just make him acting secretary as he did at the end of his first term. Another chilling thought.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

Please, no, on both counts!

Trump’s first secretary of education did enough damage to public education, both to its image and its implementation.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

fear not, if project 2025 comes to fruition, the Department of Education will be abolished.

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Good point.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

You are probably right!

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Thank you, Lord!!!

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Can confirm.

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excellent article in today's common dreams - Bernie Sander's report on the billionaires plan to destroy DOE. commondreams.org

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Thank you, Catherine, for the heads up on the excellent article. Not the paranoid type, yet I still believe this was an issue as far back as the 1980’s: promote private schools by weakening, no, destroying, public education. In the early 90s, when I served on a public school board, vouchers were being promoted by advocates for public financial support of private schools. Thanks, again!

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

This thought is nauseating to anyone in education.

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Why?? Cannot the states muster effective educational standards on their own?? I'm sure the teacher's unions will want to impart their vision.

BTW, major kudos to the NYSED and the Board of Regents for eliminating the requirement for a Regents diploma in order to graduate.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

Because republicans want to privatize the education system and have pushed for this over the years. NYS has excellent education standards but many states don't and work needs to be done. Privatization opens the doors for all kinds of problems for minorities, handicapped students, etc along with the introduction of religious beliefs that all do not necessarily agree with. There are many other issues also in regard to funding and power. Yes, the Teacher's Union would have a lot to say I"m sure. I agree with the Regents changes along with a variety of other things such as air conditioning and changes to the Civil Service Guideline updates and other adjustments.

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What do mean by “privatizing”?? Would not education stds be set by state education depts??

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SP, the following is a link to 19 Pros and Cons of Privatization of Education https://vittana.org/19-pros-and-cons-of-privatization-of-education

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It’s worth considering the history of education in the developing USA.

Large portions of the population had little or no access to education in the early years, it was largely a privatized system and pretty much only the wealthy could afford anything like a high school degree. Minorities and women were largely shut out.

As our economy grew we needed a better educated citizenry so public education with syllabi were established in order to give a more level starting point for children to take advantage of opportunity.

While there is advantage to religious organizations and money lenders to push for privatizing education, you are correct that it is not in the best interests of ordinary people, especially not for the poor, for minorities, or for people with special needs.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

Huh. Would the missile defense system be a target for a nuclear attack? What does Harlan Crow have to say about his ADK retreat being in the mushroom cloud fallout path? Has Eli$e taken his all-important opinion into account?

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Certainly offensive missiles would. Unclear to me about defensive missiles.

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Yes, after a nuclear attack the living would envy the dead. In the meantime, gotta get that government pork.

Andy Borowitz destroyed Elise yesterday. It’s brutal. Don’t know if it’s paywalled. He’s worth the subscription anyway.


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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

andy was brilliant, as usual, but he didn’t call out elies (cq) for trying to take credit for projects in her district that resulted from bills she voted against.

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Kevin the link you provided leads to a page that said Hi (my email address) post is for paid subscribers.

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Sorry. I was afraid there might be a paywall. Didn’t know if it could be shared or not. Now I know. 😉

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Andy Borowitz is brilliant!

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

She is a "sound bite" idiot! All "Flash" and n o substance!!! The money will never get spent, however, she'll use it to stay in office as long as she can. We NEED someone who can burst her "PR Bubble"

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The article needs proof reading. It repeats a number of lines/paragraphs and isn disjointed.

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Yes, I did experience a glitch on copy and pasted and resent the cleaned up version to all subscribers. Article is proof read, then cut and pasted into the substack platform. That is where the glitch ocurred.

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Hi Ken, As supporters of The Front Page, my husband and I enjoy reading your posts every day and appreciate your take on the issues. Recently however, we’ve noticed that the experience of reading your posts could be enhanced by the attentions of a proofreader. Respectfully, JA & PM

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All articles are proof read, although I've had a couple of glitches on the cutting and pasting this past week. In both cases, I resent the column with the cleaned up version.

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

When we bent over and hid under our school desks we were kissing our asses goodbye!

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Tingley

It appears Stefanik wants a feather in her cap despite the impact (no pun intended.) She wants to be able to brag about what she has done for upstate while ignoring the risks. She has no intention of remaining in NY anyway.

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Besides fighting for chocolate milk.

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Below is an interesting article on missile defense that supports the criticism of Stefanik and her unrelenting desire to build a missile defense system at Fort Drum.


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This is not related to the article. I am no longer getting email alerts for this website. Can some one fix. pat_luppens@twcny.rr.com

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