Keep pushing, Will. You are making a difference.

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Knowing Chris pretty well he most likely would not agree to selling this property.

I think it's great that with the push back changes have been made. It must be killing him lol.

I still think his apartment buildings look cheap and do not fit in with the community.

But money talks as does having an *in* with the good old boys club.

Side note - I'm really impressed with Diana Palmer. I think she'd be a great mayor for the city. She seems to really follow through and push others to do the same.

I have no say in GF politics, I live in SGF.

I can attest that people can bring change if they unite. We managed to replace our supervisor and two board members, in a landslide vote.

Keep going !

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Although the “rescue is unlikely,” I am heartened by the response of the good citizens of Glens Falls. Getting this beautiful building on the National Register would at least marshal public opinion even more vigorously against the money interests, and just maybe convince them to look elsewhere for a building site.

Thank you again, Will, for spearheading this effort!

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks Will for keeping this in the news and reminding people to turn out at the manning board meeting.

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Such a pretty building and I realize it would take quite a bit of work to make it "shine" again, it would be so nice to renovate instead of replace. I'm not familiar with who did the work on the building on the corner of Washington and Bay (across from the church) but that is absolutely beautiful.

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That would be the Hoffmans.

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Just gorgeous!

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Just a terrific column (well, as USUAL)....but this one is special for every one of the topics you covered. WHAT are the chances that enough $ could be raised to purchase that house on Glen, and yes, get Patten and the lawyer group to agree to release it....and then what? It is such a beautiful building and I'm so impressed with the effort to get it listed in the National Register....but yes, even IF...that might not save the house.

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

WOW, THANK YOU WILL! For bringing this to our attention in the first place. One of the things I've noticed since I returned to Glens Falls after a 50 year absence is the lack of involvement by residents in our community. We can't even get more than slightly over 400 voters to vote for or against the school budget, let alone care about saving our historical landmarks. It's soo disheartening. Don't know what we can do about this...just keep reading your incredible column and speaking out when something goes overboard. I sincerely hope she can get this and other buildings in Glens Falls on the historical landmark register...It will be a step in the right direction. Honestly, I wish Patten would take his "marbles" and go somewhere else with them. He is a developer that I do believe Glens Falls can do without. Just my opinion..hahaha

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

From your lips to God's ears Will

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I think all of us, Trumpers and loyal Americans alike, can agree that we are happy Ringo is no longer having skin issues.

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Exactly right. I'd like to point out, if I haven't already, that Mike Parwana's column is quite funny, and, if you can be funny, you don't have to do anything else, you've already done something wonderful: https://mikeparwana.substack.com/

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Thanks Will. I’m not sure if I’m funny, or if life is just preposterous. Maybe I’m preposterous and life is funny. Who knows?

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Sad to see any significant pieces of old Glens Falls architecture be torn down but the reality is many of them are in disrepair and the cost of buying and upgrading often is more than they are worth from an investment point of ROI. Ironically, the first building ever in Glens Falls to be added to the National Historic Register is the Sherman Mansion across the street back in the late 1970's. Bob Joy played a role in getting listed because there were several attempts to buy the building and tear it down (my late father was head of Continental Insurance real estate when they built the tower and he tried to buy and tear it down for a parking lot). Sadly, Earnst House across the street where Stewart's is now, wasn't so lucky. It's too late IMO to save 391 Glen Street BY THAT METHOD as it is a long and complicated process that doesn't happen overnight. I just hope that all the voters/residents of Glens Falls that are concerned about this issue get actively involved in elections and the Comprehensive Plan public meetings when they happen. The city needs to have a major zoning overhaul that should include historic districts and/or specific rules for planning board on architecture in areas near houses like this. I've pointed out that we need developers building housing in downtown, but as is the case with Patten's current project next door, the architecture he built is more suited for suburban GF than that location downtown. The current rules/regs only give planning board and city council so much input and control. The only other option to prevent buildings like this from being torn down is to create a fund locally to buy and conserve these properties, and that would be very expensive and complicated. BUT please remember, YOU MUST LIVE AND VOTE IN GLENS FALLS TO HAVE A SAY IN THE FUTURE. And I often see many of the comments are from people living elsewhere. Sort of a rock and a hard place.

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

As a Glens Falls native, I applaud your efforts to retain the character of Glens Falls and its remarkable collection of older buildings. The city's architecture makes it unique and gives residents a sense of place and identity. Tearing down the past is no way to guarantee the future. Don't let buildings that could be anyplace replace distinctive buildings that can still serve today's needs. I hope the residents will rally around this, and call out any conflicts of interest in the planning approval process. My best wishes, Peg Breen.

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

It seems a shame to tear down such a remarkable old building. I hope that it can be saved. AC, Lake placid, NY

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

I pass that beautiful home all the time and appreciate its presence. I would love it restored...and not replaced by apartments that could be placed anywhere else. I am curious how much the apartments will cost tenants...I am glad, Will, you expose some of the connections which, if not totally corrupt, are problematic in terms of keeping the character and beauty of our Glens Falls area. And I love the close up photos of our incredible natural world. PBS has wonderful programs on Evollution Earth which shows the connections between different life forms, the keystone species we ignorantly destroy (wolves, starfish, prairies dogs...) and how important it is to see interconnections that allow for the diversity and preservation of life.

On a whole other note: I agree that many good and kind people support someone I see as a grave danger to our country and the world. But I do look at history--at the Nazi propaganda about the Jes, at Houtis killing Tsutsis (sorry if spelling incorrect), at Serbians killing Bosnians---good people killing innocent good people (some of them their neighbors and friends) having been spurred by propaganda that objectifies and dehumanizes., later questioning how they could have killed those people. I hear trump's words about the Haitian immigrants (and about immigrants in general) that rouses hatred and violence. Look at the violence in Springfield Ohio after his disgusting remarks about the Haitians. II think it important to name what is harmful...because what happened in the past could happen here also.

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Peg just advised me that Daniel Mackay of the State Historic Office can explain the background and info required for a request to have this Glen St. bldg. to be eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places fairly quickly.

His email is Daniel.Mackay@parks.ny.gov

Betty Little strongly advocated for the Sherman House historic designation and she may still have pertinent contact info…and maybe she will be willing to get involved in this community effort to preserve what we still have locally if asked.

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

Oops you’re right Bob…Betty Little was involved most recently in getting grants for much needed Sherman House repairs…not the effort to get the historic designation.

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Yes I know, I went to her office and got that grant when I did the fundraising campaign to restore the mansion some years ago.

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Great work, Bob. The Sherman House is a jewel within the heart of our hometown. The Senior activities programs there are wonderful and create new mutually supportive friendships which might never have occurred otherwise. I’ve often sensed friendly old spirits while doing Tai chi in those parlor rooms. 😌

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Sep 15Liked by Ken Tingley

There are probably as many reasons to support any candidate as there are people. I have many friends with whom I am in complete agreement about politics, and also many with whom I am not, but I am still friends with them. If someone is so far gone as to condone or perpetrate violence in “support” of a candidate I think that would be the moral line I would have to draw between us. But I’m not going to turn away from friends who I merely disagree with, no matter how reprehensible I find their candidate. We still have so much else in common! I have one dear friend from childhood, who exemplifies that quote I’ve seen about the point of constant lies not being to get you to believe the lie, but to keep you from being able to believe anything. She started down the rabbit hole and is now floundering in quicksand. She can’t believe anything she sees or hears on what she calls mainstream media, and thus is vulnerable to the loudest voices from the farthest reaches of the internet— the ones that speak with utmost conviction and claim the reason they can’t present any credible evidence is because “they” are out to get them, or some such nonsense. She doesn’t even believe Fox News. And yet, we have a lifetime of memories and love binding us together. I have hope that someday she will find her footing and trust herself rather than those hate-filled voices. All I can do is gently tell her I don’t believe the things she forwards to me occasionally, but that I still love her.

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