The desire - need in some - to impose one’s values on another is at the root of our cultural issues. We all come from the same mist, and return there…all too soon. Why focus on differences?

“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?”- Rumi

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

There are those who wish homelessness remain invisible, just complaining about it and those that work on sustainable, reasonable solutions. I would support such action.

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

Mental illness, drug addiction and homelessness is the trifecta impacting many towns and cities with public parks across our country. The ability to prevent and address these societal open wounds in a compassionate and respectful way continues to elude us.

This is one problem I feel particularly hopeless about, and sad that the only way this complex issue is being talked about at the national level this election season is that we need to catch drugs at the border.

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Parenthood is not an exclusive club. Mothers whose children are born in their hearts and not under them are mothers too. They love and cherish their children and have the same hopes and aspirations for their children that biological mothers do.

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

Will, your last sentence says it all! Biology and genes have little to do when children are surrounded by love and acceptance in order for them and us to flourish.

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To what end do the likes of JD Vance and Sarah Huckabie Sanders push there views is concerning. Why, to what end?

Help or harm?

I'm local to this region and raised w Christian values. I was taught to love my neighbor as myself.

My wife and I adopted five children.

"They are all our children"

The three magor religions of the world all state the same principle.

The Quran states, "And do good unto your parents, and near of kin, and unto orphans, and the needy, and the neighbor from among your own people, and the neighbor who is a stranger, and the friend by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom you rightfully possess."

Islam is farthest from my knowing and learning experience. But seems pretty on the spot. Love on another. Even the foreigner, immigrants...Israel is reminded in the old testament of her slavery and to treat foreigners like themselves in the Old and New Testaments.

All this Christian Nationalism is omitting the underlying conversation of race and putrid hate in order to raise ones heritage as some Godly thing. It the farthest from the truth.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

...conceivably, Mr.Vance might be considered by some as: an argument against his own argument for unchecked procreation?...

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

Oh snap! Ugh, what if your kids turn out like him? Better to be childless!😱

I can’t tell if he’s really as awful as he seems, or does he somehow think he’s doing what it takes to get ahead? I heard an interview with a friend of his from college. She said he was conservative, but intellectually curious, tolerant of different lifestyles and viewpoints, and a good friend. She doesn’t recognize who he’s become at all.

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About a decade ago, I volunteered with some other members of Christ Church to help provide some meals and a Sunday winter morning shelter for local homeless people. I have trouble walking now so I don't get around town, so I haven't seen the current groups by the library, but again the problem of homelessness has cropped up. When I worked on this problem then, I advocated for a community oriented approach, urging the organizers of Open Door to stop dragging their feet and get the shelter off the ground and that the larger community, not just religious organizations take a role in solving this problem. The same community-wide approach is needed. And instead of complaining angrily about them, or fearing them, members of the general public need to talk with these folks and get to know them. Maybe a semi-permanent committee of volunteers, clergy and business and political leaders can work out a set of constructive and humane actions to deal with this recurring problem each time it develops.

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

There, but for the grace of God, go I.

I read once in a book called Freakonomics that the absolute cheapest way for society to deal with homelessness is to just give people a place to live. But too many people resent the thought of “freeloaders” getting something for nothing, so instead we wring our hands and do more expensive things that don’t help. A simple studio apartment with a kitchenette and a door that locks, no strings attached. For people who have fallen on hard times it would be a place to get back on their feet and if they have the ability to move on to bigger and better things, they will. For the chronically homeless…well, they would at least have a safe roof over their head.

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I’m sorry you have trouble getting around. We need more of you.

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

The problem of homelessness is endemic in our country but you don’t hear politicians talking about it, because they have no solutions. People become homeless for many reasons, so there’s no single intervention that would help every homeless person.

From what you say in your post, the young people hanging out in the park seem like they are in transition — at least some of them might benefit from some compassionate guidance.

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

Nice article!

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

When you have stupid people, each generation gets worse to the point where they can’t even figure out how to get a Cup of Noodles and boil the water for it, let alone figure out basic rent.

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

Love Ringo inspecting the baby snapping turtle. 🐢

Maybe the City of Glens Falls can pay that awful developer to build a multi-dwelling building to house some homeless people. I bet there might be grants for that? Worth some investigation.

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Sep 22Liked by Ken Tingley

Perceptive column, Will Thanks.! Can’t help but think some of Vance’s and his supporters’ comments on birthing have white supremacy implications and motivations, either consciously or subconsciously.

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I think people fail to understand how close they sometimes are to being in the position of homeless people.

Without a family who can provide financial support many would be homeless or without resources.

I’ve been homeless at times, living on a beach in Alaska without food, without work. I dug a ditch around a home one day for minimum wage and a baloney on Wonderbread sandwich with Mayo and it tasted great!

In my late 20’s I lived with my parents for a time, without work, without resources.

I was fortunate to have parents in a position to help me, but that isn’t the situation for everyone.

And I had good health, both physical and mental.

Without universal healthcare we put the lives of many thousands of our people who are just like me and You at risk.

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