Some people just don’t want to be informed. It may interfere with their prejudices.

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willing ignorance.

Not surprisingly when stefanik's traitor trash defends her, they do so without facts or sources

I would like to see a law against Criminal Ignorance

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of course, the republicans are more divisive.. trump paved the road.. there was no cost, no accountability and no taking responsibility.

and stefanik is in the bubble.. you can't say stiffy is completely to blame for what happened to Paul Pelosi, but she shares some fo it... she has been blaming everything Pelosi and Biden, from world inflation to the Jan.6 attack. it might be time for the courts to take over and Like Dominion.. if you are going to lie, with no bases, then we are going to sue you for a Billion Dollars.

And why would she stop.. her replacement theory led to 10 dead in Buffalo, I hope she isn't ignoring that because they were black, but she has a history of using coded words... she and her campaign have clearly pointed to the racists and said "I'm like you"

there are many republicans who are racist, that support her fromjoel lapierre to ava l ashendorff all contributed to stiffy's campaign and are republicans and have made blatantly racist statements..

as far as I am concerned, I am not sure why 'racist' and 'liar' isn't prominently placed in every article about her, not just during the election, but every day of the year and her term...

and it is a paradox, democrats don't lie, they don't go in the stefanik gutter.and the suffer for it.

In the end better people, but democracy is crumbling


good news.. .your book arrived at the Saranac Lake Free Library today

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Let me add that people up in the north, who don't receive WAMC on the radio

you can go to https://www.wamc.org/ and stream it

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I have been following stefanik since she was elected.. and at first -- like many-- I didn't think she was that bad (she was)... I hoped she would be the Betty Little of Congress for #ny21. Needless to say, she wasn't and isn't.

Now, I just find how amazing it is that she can be so evil

She preys upon the vulnerable and foolishly evil (and if endorsements would point this out... then they would be more valuable than I perceive them to be.)

Yesterday was the perfect example. On her facebook page she photo op-ed a Gold Star family, who have set up the Ben Osborn Fund, to honor their son. Set up to: "to support youth with "NEED"."

One just needs to look at what they do, to understand what a sacrifice the family has and continues to make for children (http://www.benosbornfund.org/need-help/), not to mention the loss of their son.

On the surface I am sure the stefanik supporters are thinking what a wonderful thing or her to do, to go and visit the family...

What, of course, isn't so transparent is: these programs are needed because people live stefanik

• she has voted time and time against similar government programs

• she has worked tirelessly to put a tax burden on these families so millionaires (like herself), billionaires and corporations get tax breaks

(If we believe that communities/churches/etc should be the ones to help the poor, that is one thing, but to do so to fund the rich is just the stefanik level of evil)

• but in a strange way what I find the most reprehensible... not in this case and not in others does she ever direct anyone to a place where they can help out with a cause... and my thoughts of stefanik are this low.. I don't believe she donates to any causes, but her stock portfolio


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