RemovedJun 14·edited Jun 14
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Jun 14Liked by Ken Tingley

"Better prepare for a Trump Presidency because it is on the horizon at this point in time. If it happens the reigning in of the Progressive agenda will be a breath of fresh air on a sunny day."

For me, I’d rather work towards electing Joe Biden and defeating Donald Trump than just roll over and prepare for a Trump presidency.

And as for a Trump win, the outcome will not just be "a reigning in of the Progressive agenda," but rather, a definitive move to an authoritarian agenda. How that’s an acceptable outcome for any libertarian-leaning person is beyond belief.

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And if Trump doesn’t win it’s because he was cheated, so he wins either way.

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Jun 14Liked by Ken Tingley

It’s clear we’re in a period of U.S. history where elections no longer settle our political differences. Just as it’s clear that Supreme Court rulings no longer settle Constitutional questions.

Both of these values are (were) fundamental to our country’s founding principles.

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I’m anxious to see how the GOP moves forward after Donald Trump is gone from the scene because he’s incapacitated for whatever reason; stroke, death, whatever. After watching the bowing and scraping yesterday I’m not sure that’s gonna do it. He’s rambling incoherently at rallies and they don’t care.

The Founders, despite slave holding by most of them (👍John Adams), gave us elections in order to settle succession problems they saw in Rome and England. How do Republicans replace Trump as their (cult) leader if they don’t respect the results of elections?

Kari Lake and Kristina Karamo are models for what is to come when the party tries to move on from Him (hallowed be His name). The majority of the country still accepts the results of elections even if a high percentage of Republicans don’t, so hopefully generals are okay. They can piss and moan about losses like Trump has for 3 and a half years. What about primaries, tho. The GOP is going to be a bag of feral cats when Trump’s gone.

Yeah it’s going to be worse when the guy blathering about sharks, toilets and what a pitiful victim he is is gone.

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Bob, what is beyond belief for me is how two people can look at the same thing and see two different things.

You see "Better prepare for a Trump Presidency because it is on the horizon at this point in time.” As someone rolling over. I see as a simple statement and very real possibility happening.

You write that if Donald wins it will be a definitive move to an authoritarian agenda. If true then our system of government has a flaw within the system itself.

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As for preparing for a Trump presidency because it’s a possibility? I think the best defense is an offense.

As for our system of government having a flaw? Of course it does. It’s devised by we flawed humans and, as such, is flawed itself. But I think it’s the best we have. And if Trump supporters are able to throw it away, so much the worse for us all.

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Now if I understand your argument, it is that we humans are flawed, therefore we will create things that are themselves flawed, because us humans being flawed will not be able to produce something that is not flawed.

Bob are you a preacher? Sounds to me, a little bit like the doctrine of original sin.

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The concern about her push for the missile defense system is that the Pentagon has repeatedly said it was not needed. It has nothing to do with progressive or conservative politics.

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Jun 14Liked by Ken Tingley

"Right or wrong the Southern Baptists have made a choice. The answer for those who disagree is to follow the path of the Methodists and disassociate from the body of that church and form their own. Nothing wrong with that process. Either one believes in the doctrine, or one does not. That is just life in our somewhat free society."

Or perhaps the answer is to leave the denomination altogether. The Pew Research Center, in a study a few years ago, found that the Southern Baptists — the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. — has experienced a decline in membership over the past few years:

"The total number of Southern Baptists in the U.S. – and their share of the population – is falling. When the first Religious Landscape Study was conducted in 2007, Southern Baptists accounted for 6.7% of the U.S. adult population (compared with 5.3% in 2014). And according to the SBC’s official membership tally, there were 14.8 million members of all ages in 2018, down about 1% from a year ago – part of a longer pattern of decline." (Pew)

As an aside, there’s also been an increase in the U.S. of people who identify as atheists….

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Jun 14Liked by Ken Tingley

Complicating your commentary on the general history and legacy of our third US President Thomas Jefferson, I recall that there is an often overlooked fact that Sally Hemings’ father, John Wayles, was also the father of Jefferson's wife, Martha. Therefore, Sally Hemings was a half-sister to Jefferson's wife and was of approximately three quarters English descent.

Martha died during her marriage to Jefferson in 1782. After that Thomas Jefferson had a relationship with “ his slave” Sally Hemings … and she was of course also Jefferson’s sister in law.

A bit confusing but also very interesting stuff. We certainly cannot re-write history but it’s well worth knowing as much as we can about the past in the hope that we can make a better future .

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