Excuse me? You are claiming that in-person I told someone I want to ban abortion? I absolutely did not. You are making up flat out lies. I am not arguing why you should or should not vote for anyone… just that you stop telling lies about me. You shouldn’t need to do that in order to support your candidate. I’m not going to keep doing a back and forth on this. But I needed everyone to know that you are lying.
That is completely untrue. You can see on my website or social media that I have consistently stated I am pro-choice. It’s one of the differences between me and other modern Republicans. Please do not post complete falsehoods. It’s fine if you prefer someone else, but you don’t need to lie about me. -Jill
Beth, my site is jillforcongress.com. I voted from Trump in 2016 because I believed in trying something different. I quickly found out that he's not the kind of different I'm interested in at all. I did NOT vote from him in 2020 and I will not be voting for him in 2024. I have been very vocal about my dislike of Trump and the MAGA movement. I believe it has destroyed my party, and I'm interested in a return of the Republican party of the old days.
Something different?! I've got a different name for it lol.
I'm sorry but again , how could you as a woman vote for this pig? After he stood up and said the things he said and all the lies...you still voted for him!
Steve was canvassing in our neighborhood recently. He seemed rather reasonable. He certainly knows the inner workings in Washington given his vast military experience. He was not a slick, oily person , but completely down to earth.
I'm so happy to learn that Our Elise is being challenged by another Republican. Whatever happens, Ms. Lochner shows that we still may have a viable two party system. while not an adherent myself, I do hope there are still Republicans who remember why we're a democracy.
thank you for highlighting Stefanik's hypocrisy, which I believe she has done before, in claiming credit for funding that helps our area on bills she actually voted no on...in this case the IRA.
I do want to say that it is worth running for something. A good friend's daughter just won first woman Mayor of Burlington on the Progressive ticket. It took a great deal of grassroots organizing and support for Emma to win. Also there is a possible democratic woman candidate to take on Stefanik whom I am anticipating with enthusiasm. You are doing a great job of bringing these issues to our attention.
I wish Jill luck. It is frustrating that money controls our system to the point that people in power remain in power not because they represent their constituents but because they represent their highest paying donors. We are seeing this in so many areas of our government at this point. The voters need to control who gets elected- not the rich.
I'm not happy with either candidate for president. There are no other candidates qualified to lead our country? The candidate who truly scares me is the one that said he'd like to be a dictator for one day. We all know that a dictator, once installed, never relinquishes that power. I give Jill credit for putting her name forward and giving Republican voters a choice in a primary.
Thank you, Ken, for highlighting Jill Lochner and for pointing out the huge obstacles to her having a chance to challenge Stefanik.
I’m not a Republican, but I would gladly support Jill in her efforts to get on the primary ballot. The timing seems favorable, since Elise is busy trading any integrity she may once have had for a shot at the White House.
Too bad Republican local officials will not even give Jill the courtesy of inviting her in and listening to her agenda. The Grand OLD Party has lost its grandeur!
Hi Beth, My website is jillforcongress.com. I do live in Saratoga County - in Greenfield, which is in the district. I am in NY21, not in Tonko's district. I am pro-choice and very pro IVF as I used it myself to have children. I believe in equal rights for all.
But you voted for trump. That's very disappointing....unfortunately this is a deal breaker for me. Especially as a fellow woman. You heard things the same way we all did , yet you voted for a monster, he even made fun of a disabled person. I can't get behind that as much as I dislike Stefanik
I encourage any and every Republican in the district to vote for Jill Lochner in the primary. The objective of elections is not to vote for a person who you agree with on every issue, but to elect someone who you can trust to make reasoned judgements in the best interests of their district and the nation even if you disagree with their ultimate decision. Stefanik has shown herself to be untrustworthy.
I do take issue with this, ‘"It's been eye-opening just how hard it is to get in there if you are an outsider," Lochner said. "The whole system is set up that way, so it is difficult to get into the little club unless they have found you or approved of you. It's all set up to keep you out."
That's for both parties.”
Everyone should recognize that a congressional seat is very high on the ladder and people (like Stefanik) who wish to start at the top, passing by others who have spent years in local office building credibility are bound to face pushback - especially if they are challenging an incumbent.
That said, registered Democrats in the region who have solid life skills that they believe would make them good public servants in various offices from school board to town board to supervisor, state assembly, state senate or even congress in a couple of years (please don’t ask me about Senate or President) get in touch with me and I’ll be happy to put you in touch with people in your area who can help guide you in running a campaign. In particular, if you’re in Warren County I’d love to hear from you.
Welcome! I hope we make you proud of your decision. Don’t expect us to be perfect. We will disappoint you on occasion, but we try to hold people accountable, and we try to fix our mistakes.
I know - I understand people make mistakes...just look at me lol
There's a world of difference between Reagan and trump. And I would vote for a Republican. Just not one who ever voted for trump. We all saw the things he did. We all knew how it was going to go. We were all absolutely horrified when he won. I'll never forget how I felt.
I was not crazy about HRC , I was more of a Bernie fan, and I understand people wanting something different. But not s bloated lying bully who disrepects women and does so proudly.
I personally know two people right here in our area who originally wanted Bernie, but ended up voting for Trump in 2016 not so much because they thought he was so great, but they couldn’t stand Hilary Clinton and hoped he would shake things up. Boy howdy, did he, but not in a good way. So don’t be too hard on Jill Lochner. If she’s seen the error of her ways, I can forgive her for being mistaken about him before.
But it's not like the people who voted for him didn't know how he was. He showed us who he was before he was elected. They brought the entire country into the mess we're in right now. They are responsible for MAGA.
They should be sorry. I am not ready to forgive the people who gave us trump. Maybe someday.
If we had more functioning news organizations in NY-21, maybe we'd be better informed. Why aren't all local news sources regularly reporting on Lochner's candidacy and campaign activities and those of the Democrats who've announced that they will run for her seat? At the very least, there should be a story or two about the GOP leadership in NY-21 rigging the game for Stefanik by actively ignoring (and thus undermining) other Republicans.
We need and deserve better news coverage in NY-21. It's not just that Stefanik won't be interviewed by journalists who might ask hard questions, but also that said journalists and the organizations that employ them don't broadcast this refusal. Too often news sources just publish her PR press releases without fact-checking (looking at you "North Country Now", for your report crediting Elise for funding that came from legislation she voted against! That little correction you made after the fact was insufficient, and you missed the bigger story of Elise lying to constituents!)
Democracy needs an informed electorate. Bravo for actual journalists! They're in too short supply.
I realize that I have what's referred to jokingly as TDS.
trump has been in my head since 2015....long time.
I just want him to go away. Sick of his voice, his lies ... his very face.
I'm very harsh and unforgiving to people who voted for him as their bad choice brought us to January 6th. Which some of us suspected (feared) would happen.
I get very upset with women who voted for him in particular . I stood in DC with over a million women/men who felt the same way. It was the start of a continued battle for women and its gotten worse since.
I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to look at people suspiciously.
In order for that to happen, trump needs to go away and become non relevant .
Prison would be great!
I'm sure Jill is sorry she voted for him. But the image of him standing in front of us with his big fat ignorant mouth spouting hate .... we saw who he was BEFORE they voted for him.
And there lies my problem.
Mike Parwana said we all make mistakes....that's a fact. But we didn't vote for a person who promised to restrict womens rights and I've never seen a person make fun of a disabled person in front of a national audience.
Which brings me right back to the crux of my problem.
Excuse me? You are claiming that in-person I told someone I want to ban abortion? I absolutely did not. You are making up flat out lies. I am not arguing why you should or should not vote for anyone… just that you stop telling lies about me. You shouldn’t need to do that in order to support your candidate. I’m not going to keep doing a back and forth on this. But I needed everyone to know that you are lying.
That is completely untrue. You can see on my website or social media that I have consistently stated I am pro-choice. It’s one of the differences between me and other modern Republicans. Please do not post complete falsehoods. It’s fine if you prefer someone else, but you don’t need to lie about me. -Jill
Could you post link for your website? When I Google you it brings up articles but I'd like to see your official page. Maybe I'm just not seeing it.
Also would like to know if you voted for trump. Because honestly that would end any conversation.
Beth, my site is jillforcongress.com. I voted from Trump in 2016 because I believed in trying something different. I quickly found out that he's not the kind of different I'm interested in at all. I did NOT vote from him in 2020 and I will not be voting for him in 2024. I have been very vocal about my dislike of Trump and the MAGA movement. I believe it has destroyed my party, and I'm interested in a return of the Republican party of the old days.
Something different?! I've got a different name for it lol.
I'm sorry but again , how could you as a woman vote for this pig? After he stood up and said the things he said and all the lies...you still voted for him!
Steve was canvassing in our neighborhood recently. He seemed rather reasonable. He certainly knows the inner workings in Washington given his vast military experience. He was not a slick, oily person , but completely down to earth.
I'm so happy to learn that Our Elise is being challenged by another Republican. Whatever happens, Ms. Lochner shows that we still may have a viable two party system. while not an adherent myself, I do hope there are still Republicans who remember why we're a democracy.
Down with alternative facts!
thank you for highlighting Stefanik's hypocrisy, which I believe she has done before, in claiming credit for funding that helps our area on bills she actually voted no on...in this case the IRA.
I do want to say that it is worth running for something. A good friend's daughter just won first woman Mayor of Burlington on the Progressive ticket. It took a great deal of grassroots organizing and support for Emma to win. Also there is a possible democratic woman candidate to take on Stefanik whom I am anticipating with enthusiasm. You are doing a great job of bringing these issues to our attention.
I wish Jill luck. It is frustrating that money controls our system to the point that people in power remain in power not because they represent their constituents but because they represent their highest paying donors. We are seeing this in so many areas of our government at this point. The voters need to control who gets elected- not the rich.
I'm not happy with either candidate for president. There are no other candidates qualified to lead our country? The candidate who truly scares me is the one that said he'd like to be a dictator for one day. We all know that a dictator, once installed, never relinquishes that power. I give Jill credit for putting her name forward and giving Republican voters a choice in a primary.
Apparently, giving GOP voters a choice in the primary is more than local Republican leaders are comfortable doing.
Thank you, Ken, for highlighting Jill Lochner and for pointing out the huge obstacles to her having a chance to challenge Stefanik.
I’m not a Republican, but I would gladly support Jill in her efforts to get on the primary ballot. The timing seems favorable, since Elise is busy trading any integrity she may once have had for a shot at the White House.
Jill is pro-choice and is fighting a real uphill battle.
Another fantastic win for GF. 91-46!
Looking forward to Saturday’s final.
Too bad Republican local officials will not even give Jill the courtesy of inviting her in and listening to her agenda. The Grand OLD Party has lost its grandeur!
It’s like even these North Country Republicans don’t want to upset Donald Trump. Or his minion from Albany.
Just look at who these people are and the stronghold they have . Dare you buck their closed system.
Is there an actual website set up by Ms. Lochner?
One article I read states she thinks laws being passed pertaining to gun ownership are unconstitutional....words right out of Stefaniks playbook.
The article also claims she lives in Saratoga County? This is currently Tonko district- fingers crossed it stays that way.
I'd really like to know her stance on abortion and the rights of the lgbtq community.
Hi Beth, My website is jillforcongress.com. I do live in Saratoga County - in Greenfield, which is in the district. I am in NY21, not in Tonko's district. I am pro-choice and very pro IVF as I used it myself to have children. I believe in equal rights for all.
But you voted for trump. That's very disappointing....unfortunately this is a deal breaker for me. Especially as a fellow woman. You heard things the same way we all did , yet you voted for a monster, he even made fun of a disabled person. I can't get behind that as much as I dislike Stefanik
Best wishes to you.
I encourage any and every Republican in the district to vote for Jill Lochner in the primary. The objective of elections is not to vote for a person who you agree with on every issue, but to elect someone who you can trust to make reasoned judgements in the best interests of their district and the nation even if you disagree with their ultimate decision. Stefanik has shown herself to be untrustworthy.
I do take issue with this, ‘"It's been eye-opening just how hard it is to get in there if you are an outsider," Lochner said. "The whole system is set up that way, so it is difficult to get into the little club unless they have found you or approved of you. It's all set up to keep you out."
That's for both parties.”
Everyone should recognize that a congressional seat is very high on the ladder and people (like Stefanik) who wish to start at the top, passing by others who have spent years in local office building credibility are bound to face pushback - especially if they are challenging an incumbent.
That said, registered Democrats in the region who have solid life skills that they believe would make them good public servants in various offices from school board to town board to supervisor, state assembly, state senate or even congress in a couple of years (please don’t ask me about Senate or President) get in touch with me and I’ll be happy to put you in touch with people in your area who can help guide you in running a campaign. In particular, if you’re in Warren County I’d love to hear from you.
But don’t think it’s easy.
I welcome your vote Blue!
In November.
But if you’re a registered Republican a vote for Jill in the primary is an excellent way to show your disapproval of the current Representative.
Welcome! I hope we make you proud of your decision. Don’t expect us to be perfect. We will disappoint you on occasion, but we try to hold people accountable, and we try to fix our mistakes.
I can't trust anyone who thought voting for trump was ok. After everything he did his first run...a woman supporting him is just disgusting to me.
If you support pro choice or women in general why would anyone vote for trump?
I voted for Ronald Reagan once. People make mistakes. I hope I’m not dead to you.
BTW, on support for women - the ERA is on the ballot for the NY Constitution this year! We need an overwhelming vote in support of that!
I know - I understand people make mistakes...just look at me lol
There's a world of difference between Reagan and trump. And I would vote for a Republican. Just not one who ever voted for trump. We all saw the things he did. We all knew how it was going to go. We were all absolutely horrified when he won. I'll never forget how I felt.
I was not crazy about HRC , I was more of a Bernie fan, and I understand people wanting something different. But not s bloated lying bully who disrepects women and does so proudly.
And I'm excited about the ERA vote.
I personally know two people right here in our area who originally wanted Bernie, but ended up voting for Trump in 2016 not so much because they thought he was so great, but they couldn’t stand Hilary Clinton and hoped he would shake things up. Boy howdy, did he, but not in a good way. So don’t be too hard on Jill Lochner. If she’s seen the error of her ways, I can forgive her for being mistaken about him before.
I admire your forgiveness.
But it's not like the people who voted for him didn't know how he was. He showed us who he was before he was elected. They brought the entire country into the mess we're in right now. They are responsible for MAGA.
They should be sorry. I am not ready to forgive the people who gave us trump. Maybe someday.
If we had more functioning news organizations in NY-21, maybe we'd be better informed. Why aren't all local news sources regularly reporting on Lochner's candidacy and campaign activities and those of the Democrats who've announced that they will run for her seat? At the very least, there should be a story or two about the GOP leadership in NY-21 rigging the game for Stefanik by actively ignoring (and thus undermining) other Republicans.
We need and deserve better news coverage in NY-21. It's not just that Stefanik won't be interviewed by journalists who might ask hard questions, but also that said journalists and the organizations that employ them don't broadcast this refusal. Too often news sources just publish her PR press releases without fact-checking (looking at you "North Country Now", for your report crediting Elise for funding that came from legislation she voted against! That little correction you made after the fact was insufficient, and you missed the bigger story of Elise lying to constituents!)
Democracy needs an informed electorate. Bravo for actual journalists! They're in too short supply.
BTW: There are now 6 announced candidates!
I wanted to make one last comment....
I realize that I have what's referred to jokingly as TDS.
trump has been in my head since 2015....long time.
I just want him to go away. Sick of his voice, his lies ... his very face.
I'm very harsh and unforgiving to people who voted for him as their bad choice brought us to January 6th. Which some of us suspected (feared) would happen.
I get very upset with women who voted for him in particular . I stood in DC with over a million women/men who felt the same way. It was the start of a continued battle for women and its gotten worse since.
I don't want to feel this way. I don't want to look at people suspiciously.
In order for that to happen, trump needs to go away and become non relevant .
Prison would be great!
I'm sure Jill is sorry she voted for him. But the image of him standing in front of us with his big fat ignorant mouth spouting hate .... we saw who he was BEFORE they voted for him.
And there lies my problem.
Mike Parwana said we all make mistakes....that's a fact. But we didn't vote for a person who promised to restrict womens rights and I've never seen a person make fun of a disabled person in front of a national audience.
Which brings me right back to the crux of my problem.
Anyways, felt the need to explain my harsh words.