Ken, are you willing to come and look at an old log home (1949) in Lake Luzerne that was recently purchased that will take real vision (and a lot of love) and clean up? All ideas welcome. If so, please email me: gmintzer@lakegeorgechamber.com

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Ken, are you willing to come and look at an old log home (1949) in Lake Luzerne that was recently purchased that will take real vision (and a lot of love) and clean up? All ideas welcome. If so, please email me: gmintzer@lakegeorgechamber.com

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Quite flattered. Not sure if I am that good, but we can talk.

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Ken, the 81-year-old who hits the gas instead of the brake makes the front page because it's unusual. Man bites dog -- you know that. The younger folks overfill page two and more. Maybe I'm sensitive because I'm 83, stop at every stop sign and don't text while driving 80 in the left lane of the Northway.

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I think your right that the insurance rates for those under 24 are quite a bit more, but unfortunately the statistics become comparable for some of our older drivers. One is a lack of judgement, the other is sadly a fading skillset.

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