RemovedJun 16
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This is an absurd list. Trump and his criminal family took bribes from Saudi Arabia (You probably thank them for September 11th). The timeline Trump put in place is to blame for the Afghan difficulties and what about Trumps mess when withdrawing from Syria? The energy policy could save the future of our planet but who cares about our children and grandchildren-right? Yea- it's Biden's fault that Russia invaded Ukraine and Trump's determination to let Putin do whatever he wants is a GREAT idea. Waffling support of Israel? Really? It's such a simple problem after all! The border???? Yes that is our biggest problem. Let's see what happens when we have no one to do the jobs that they do and those people work harder than I'm sure you have worked in your lifetime. Easy to judge when you haven't lived their lives. I agree things need to change but Trump didn't want them to pass the bill because he knew it would look too good for Biden and he hates that. He is a sick, masochistic, misogynistic, evil man that want to strip women of all of their rights, hates service men because he thinks they are Losers and Suckers, he's more worried about his hair than the American public, has never said a prayer in his life but knows there are votes there so he uses Christianity to push his agenda and admires Hitler. There is soooo much more but it would take a mini series and I pray the American people can see through all of this and vote to save us all in the fall.

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RemovedJun 16
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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

Perhaps if everyone in Congress was really concerned about the borders they would vote on an immigration bill versus constantly using it as an election “talking” point. I think most of us would like some type of legislation that supports immigration in an orderly fashion. We need immigrants in the United States. We need them to fill jobs as parents are having fewer children and the children they do have are leaving our area for better paying jobs elsewhere. We had a bill, and the President was going to sign it, then Trump told the Republicans not to pass it because he needed the talking points and we are.


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Donald Trump pressured Republicans to kill the most conservative immigration bill they’re ever going to see. So their alternative, since Trump couldn't even get infrastructure passed, is a dystopian fantasy about rounding up immigrants that would look like the Elián González affair times 10 million.

The only saving grace is Trump’s incompetence and continuing mental decline. Anyone who wants to sign on and do his bidding should look at how well that worked out for Michael Cohen, Rudy Guiliani and others. Or maybe they’d like to try for Nuremberg levels of culpability.

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RemovedJun 16
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HR 2 is draconian and idiotic in equal measure. Not surprising coming from the current Republican House which is more interested in celebrity and kissing up to Trump than legislating.

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RemovedJun 16
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Your response is even less impressive than what I expected. Well done, A.T.

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The REPUBLICANS would not let that happen!

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But the Republicans denied a solution thanks to Trump.

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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

Oh, Will! This is the most depressing column I've ever read in The Front Page. I fervently hope you're wrong, but fear you're not. Our only defense against Trump and his Fascists is overwhelming civil disobedience. Let us find the strength to do it!

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Oh my gosh I thought the same thing!

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Devastating thought, isn't it??

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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

Yes, Will, a Turkey Vulture. Homely, by our standards, but necessary to keep us from drowning in waste (they eat carrion). I

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It can happen here; it is happening here. But our future is not yet written. We can still change the outcome. I believe we will…by our collective will. VOTE!

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Nice to ear that!

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Well, that was fun!

Authoritarianism, concentration camps, the end of democratic institutions, but wait! Look! A vulture and dead waxwings!

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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

Will, you MUST remember, the population of the United States IS moderate. tRump WILL NOT succeed!

I agree we're seeing insidious subversion in our politics right now, but it won't be successful!!! Biden is hitting 'em where it hurts...WITH THE TRUTH!!! Keep the faith dear friend😘😘😘😘

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RemovedJun 16
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Actually if you look at the first 100 days of Obama, Trump and Biden’s presidency Biden told less lies than Trump.


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I couldn’t disagree with you more Mr. Tucker!!!

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Oops! I agree with that. Less lies by those DEMOCRATIC presidents!

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Thank you. Agree with 💯%!

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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley


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Vote! And encourage others to vote. Our democracy depends on it.

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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

Looks like it might be a golden eagle. Turkey vultures have a bigger head.

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A golden eagle would be a rare sighting here! The translucent wings, “fingertip” primary feathers and the wings held above horizontal say vulture to me!

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We have golden eagles in the area.

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Years ago what first got my husband and I into birdwatching was spotting a huge bird, obviously not a vulture, and trying to identify it. We thought it was a golden eagle, but looking back now with more knowledge and experience, I would bet it was an immature bald eagle, before it grew its telltale white feathers, because it was alongside a river. But an exciting sighting either way!

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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over. While part of our country is radically changing with the slow emergence of the authoritarian right wing, the election is months away. There is still, I believe, a majority of people who value the fundamental principles our country was founded on and will vote for the only fit choice for president — Joe Biden.

And if our country loses its common sense entirely and elects the unfit Trump, then this:

"The Resistance to a New Trump Administration Has Already Started — An emerging coalition that views Donald J. Trump’s agenda as a threat to democracy is laying the groundwork to push back if he wins in November, taking extraordinary pre-emptive actions." (NYT)

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LOVE what you said and hope it’s true in a big way!

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks for the wake-up call, Will! It is never too late. There are a few months yet to turn the tide toward truth and justice and, yes, love. I am not an optimist, because I am not sure things will turn out right. But neither am I a pessimist, because I am not sure things will turn out badly But I am a person of hope. (To paraphrase Vaclav Havel).

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Jun 16Liked by Ken Tingley

Also, I agree with your comments about Rachel. I appreciate her perspectives, bu not always her tone.

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I feel, in this MAGA era, she’s is an angel from heaven!,

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Will, I wouldn’t give up yet. I think the more everyone knows about what another Trump Presidency would look like then maybe people would think twice about voting for him. How are his policies going to help you the voter? How is your life going to be better under another Trump presidency? If he does as he says, and he goes after the journalists and media that report negative things about him, then what happens to our democracy? From the NYT article, If Trump Wins,

“Target journalists for prosecution

Kash Patel, a Trump confidant, has threatened to target journalists for prosecution if Mr. Trump returns to power. The campaign later distanced Mr. Trump from the remarks.”


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Not hard to show. Per CNN reporting:

Trump has himself said he will target news organizations, including most recently lashing out at Comcast over NBCU News Group’s coverage of him, saying the company should be “investigated.” “I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events,” Trump declared in September, adding that he believes the press “should pay a big price” for supposedly hurting the country. (CNN)


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You asked to show you. I did. And the threshold for tolerating Trump’s corruption by his apologists gets higher and higher….

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RemovedJun 17
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You didn’t read my comment. Try again.

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You are SO right!

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Did anyone see Full Measure this am with Sheryl Atkinson? I bet she spent 10 minutes playing things that the mainstream media said about Trump that were wrong. She SHOULD have itemized Fox News for fake news.

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You’ve got to be kidding!

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Thank you for highlighting the franking privilege used by multiple congressmen in the 1930s to illegally mail out thousands of pieces of Nazi propaganda at taxpayer expense.

I have been trying to raise the alarm bells about the modern corollary, which is evidenced by Rep. Stefanik's use of her taxpayer-funded House.gov platform to send out fake news and to make disparaging remarks about President Joe Biden. At a minimum, remarks from a sitting Congressional Representative that express displeasure with the President's policies are un-statesman-like. Stefanik takes it to a new level of free campaign advertising, as seen in the current top post on her House.gov site: "Tomorrow, House Republicans are honored to host at our special political conference President Donald J. Trump where we will discuss how Republicans will work together to save America from Joe Biden and Far Left Democrats' failed leadership that has caused skyrocketing and painful Bidenflation, the historic Biden Border Crisis, surging violent crime, a weakened national security, and chaos around the world." Nothing neutral or mildly bipartisan there. And did I mention -- the taxpayers pay for the House.gov platform. The North Country and NY's 21st Congressional District deserve better.

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RemovedJun 16
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Biden is not using taxpayer dollars for his campaign rallies. He is using campaign donations for his rallies. (Sidebar: unlike Trump, who is using campaign donations for his legal fees.) Stefanik, by posting partisan speech on her House.gov site, is using taxpayer dollars to advance her campaign. I have heard of an incident some years ago in which Stefanik aggressively pursued a Human Resources action against a SUNY employee who happened to send a single (1) email regarding a Democratic Committee event from her SUNY email address. How is she now able to justify using her taxpayer-funded House.gov account for disparaging the President, who by the way is Commander in Chief of our military while she sits on the House Armed Services Committee. The chain of command would mandate that the President is deserving of proper respect, if not common courtesy and esprit de corps.

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RemovedJun 16·edited Jun 16
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LOL. You speak of character. Have you heard? Trump is not only quite the character, he has quite the number of blemishes on his character.

Manchin is an outlier.

Marines would be surrounding the president whether he was at a rally or at Camp David.

Trump had to drag a secret service detail with him into criminal court.

Prove me wrong.

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RemovedJun 17
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What's your deal, precisely? I'm happy to entertain the banter, but I do question why you wish to engage in this discussion if you remain steadfast in your support for the Republicans. Surely you don't think I will come over to your way of thinking. I should think you would find other forums in which to engage in like-minded exchange. I'm not sending you away; "simply put", I'm questioning your motives, @Simply Put. What's your end-game here?

If you wish to quibble on security detail risks and expenses, reflect on the fact that there was real talk about protocols surrounding jailing Secret Service members for Trump's contempt of court. And there is still talk about how to handle security if he serves jail time. Marines here or Marines there -- above my pay grade, to work out the schedule, and btw I would imagine yours too, but the sitting president needs protection, just as Trump gets protection even as a convicted felon.

I should clarify: are you quite OK with the taxpayers funding a security detail for the former president while in incarceration, or for that matter while undergoing a criminal trial, but you are not OK with the sitting president being surrounded by Marines? (continued)

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Wow! Well said! Keep it up; may you win in a landslide!

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Hi Paula. If the North Country and NY's 21st Congressional District deserve better than Elise, what do you offer that is better?

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RemovedJun 16
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Maybe she wants your vote.

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Thank you, W Tucker. For starters, I don't plan to slash 10,000 healthcare employees from the VA Hospitals, nor do I plan to raise the retirement age to 69. I don't plan to cut Medicare in order to cover the deficit resulting from tax cuts to wealthy individuals and corporations. I plan to leave the $35 cap on insulin and the $2000 cap on out of pocket expenses in place.

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RemovedJun 16
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My plan is to keep to not privatize Social Security, and to raise taxes on the corporations.

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It doesn't make sense to lower corporate taxes at the expense of those on Medicare and Social Security. People paid into those programs when they were working, and deserve cost of living adjustments that keep pace with the economy, rather than an across-the-board cut because of top-down economic strategies that have historically not worked.

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RemovedJun 16
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Just a love It! Keep it up!

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Great response Paula!

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Paula, you say you don't plan to cut Medicare in order to cover the deficit resulting from tax cuts to wealthy individuals and corporations.

Is it that the Medicare deficit is a result of tax cuts or is that more people are now on Medicare and the cost of medical care has risen at an accelerated rate over time?

Medicare enrollment in 1967 was 19,348,000, in 2022 fifty-three years later enrollment is 65,042,000. In 1967 what was the state of medical technology? https://usafacts.org/data/topics/people-society/social-security-and-medicare/medicare/medicare-enrollment/

What do you think the cost of this little toy is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_resonance_imaging#History

My guess would be, more than I have made in my life time and that’s just for one machine.

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W Tucker I wonder how old you are, and whether you have ever had care of an elderly friend or relative. If you have ever had to undergo an expensive medical procedure or even pick up a prescription for an elderly neighbor, you would understand that the only discussions we should be having about Medicare right now are the following: a) how can we extend Medicare to more Americans, and b) how can we extend the benefits to those enrolled in Medicare.

Though Medicare is relatively new, the concept had tremendous support from leaders on both sides of the partisan line. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/president-johnson-signs-medicare-law

The 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changed deductions, credits, and depreciation for businesses and corporations. Medical equipment companies, pharmaceutical companies received benefit of those adjustments. We live in the nation that has the highest healthcare costs and yet we shun universal Medicare while simultaneously shaming people for personal debt. It isn't granny's fault that corporate executives have passed the costs of their private equity funding along through the supply chain.

We cannot become a nation in which only the very wealthy receive health care or have a sustainable means of aging without personal debt.

I'm happy to continue the banter, but I do hope you realize that this is not a discussion in which you will "win". May I suggest that you find other, more amenable forums, in which to engage.

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RemovedJun 17
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Carl, Big Blue City? Not sure about that one.

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Paula. What? No thank you.

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You said it Paula! Good luck on your run!

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Thank you, Mary Horning! I appreciate your positivity.

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Invoking Nazis is getting trite.

It is a vulture but the shorter neck makes it look more like a black vulture. The outspread “fingers” on the wings are the tip-off. Used for sensing air currents. They also have a sharp dihedral in their wings when soaring (vee-shape.)

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Not as trite as invoking "The Deep State," "MAGA," “Stop the Steal," "Drain the Swamp," and "Build the Wall."

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RemovedJun 16
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The Nazi regime was demonstrably horrific. Fascism historically has always led to bloodshed and repression. What about that is not something to fear?

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RemovedJun 16
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A rose by any other name…only in this case, not so sweet. They don’t call themselves Nazi’s or Fascists, but the similarities are there. The Nazi’s picked Jews as the scapegoats for all Germany’s problems; Trump picked illegal immigrants, with a supporting role played by anyone who is not blindly allegiant to him.

Here is the Merriam Webster definition of fascism: “A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

The secondary definition is: “ a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.”

The American Heritage Dictionary has this: “ A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.”

Joe Biden, whatever his flaws, has never made remarks or espoused policies resembling fascism, (with the possible exception of government control of a capitalist economy if you look at it squinty eyed because he believes corporations should be regulated and taxed.) Donald Trump and his supporters have. If the shoe fits…

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I disagree. It demonstrates the understanding that while history doesn’t repeat itself, it often rhymes (and echos.)

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That’s exactly what Trump is invoking!

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Don’t forget Radical Far Left Democrat!

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RemovedJun 16
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Yes, you’ve said that. But why do you think that?

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I haven't lost faith, but I think, always, of how imperative it is to resist--in terms of both our democracy and our earth-both threatened. I think it important to see the role of big money and the power of Fox News and of Sinclair, of people's addiction to Fox and how Sinclair purports to be local news and spreads the same scripts of misinformation, most recently how Biden is old, incapable--and how Trump is a worthy leader...clearly going against all evidence of Biden's incredible real work for women, working people, our environment, our health, Black rights....--and Trump is unhinged, dangerous, corrupt, and should be in jail. I think how all those Republicans literally bowing to this dictator at one point all all all saw and spoke the danger. Stefanik...maga..and many Republican state legislatures passing bills that go against the majority of American people in terms of values and principles..about abortion, guns, education.....I think of how states like Nevada and Georgia are rigging the elections under the pretence of "voting integrity" and restoring our confidence in the election process. I want to see the polls they don't show: how many Trump supporters are addicted to Fox news...how many wealthy people want no regulations and would support Fascism if it gives them money...and how many who want "to bring america back" are afraid of equality and justice, want to return to the Jim Crow South, to white supremacy, patriarchal power....to power. Otherwise how or why could anyone prefer Trump to Biden who has worked so hard for so many of us.

I just published my book on two decades of letters to the post star: Under 300 words;: letters to a local newspaper...No MORE Lies......

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RemovedJun 16
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Hahahaha that is insane. But not surprising. MAGA takes everything they are doing and accuses the Dems of those intentions. This discussion is exactly why there can be no compromises any longer between Democrats and Republicans. Republicans are unwilling to compromise or work with Dems. You can respond and tell me how wrong I am and I won't bother to argue because it is a waste of time. To Will, I haven't lost hope yet. If the crazy man wins, then I've lost all hope for Americans and I think the world will have lost faith in us too.

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..."crazy man" [he's much worse than that- for starters, I would add diabolical] didn't win the first time- the [diabolical] electoral college "elevated" him, and G.W. ["Weapon of Mass Destruction"] Bush / -let's. get. rid. of. it. / Had Gore and Hillary won, as they should have- by virtue of their popular votes majorities: what a profoundly different, and profoundly better, country this would be (right now), and what a profoundly different country this would have been...

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I agree!

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Hello Will, why are our democratic systems vulnerable? Our leaders are people like us, untrustworthy. If as you say “People are easily fooled” how do you know you yourself are not being misled?

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