Agree 100%!

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I totally agree. Despite the statements that this is not a revenue seeking prospect, the experts hired to study Glens Falls' parking needs have declared that there is ample available parking during daytime hours. If so, then why need metered parking? This proposal comes at a time when construction on and off of Glen street has lessened spaces at the Elm Street lot. Evening parking needs were not taken into account, when restaurants and theaters and the arena are busiest downtown. I believe improved and expanded public transportation would encourage less car traffic if you offer ample spaces throughout the nearby county perimeters to park and ride. It should be free or low cost for everyone.

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I totally agree that it would discourage people from going downtown to the Wood Theater, restaurants, etc…. Please Mr. Collins, do not initiate parking costs. Please, please, please.

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A case might be made for a paid overnight parking permit in the densest downtown zone limited in hours, maybe 10pm to 6am. That would allow people who live in buildings with limited parking to park from 8pm (2 hours free parking until 10pm) to 8am (2 free hours from 6am to 8am). It would provide some revenue and make living downtown a bit easier.

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Not to mention the serious difficulty seniors have operating the new computerized meters.

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I agree with your analysis on this Will. While we try to always walk to downtown from our home, when Linda & I do need to drive we rarely have trouble finding a place to park, especially in those just-outside-the-core lots as you mentioned sprinkled around the city.

Perhaps we should suggest the Mayor and all city council members read this post regularly as somewhat of a gauge as to public opinion on local issues like these. I hope they already do.

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"If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". Good grief!

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One problem the city is trying to overcome, I suspect, is common to all small cities: The business owners and employees look around, see that there's plenty of parking, and so promptly fill the spaces most convenient to their stores - leaving customers and other short-term parkers, like you, to walk a couple of blocks. No big deal, huh? As the city grows, that walk becomes longer and -- strange as it may sound -- we'll be back shopping at malls with ample parking and the city center will wither.

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You should do what encourages people to visit downtown and that means free parking. The Lake George app is an obstacle and a hassle for parking.

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People who think there's a parking problem in Glens Falls have never lived in a place where there is a parking problem.

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