Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

GOP = Groupies of Putin! Stefanik only follows the orders of her Dear Leader, King Donald, a puppet of Putin. Any questions?

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Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

Stefanik makes the Grinch look like an angel. Have a good day Will.

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Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

well-written, Will!!!

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Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

Just another "of course" re: Stefanik and the US continuing in spite of her. Sigh.

As to the tire marks, if you watched auto commercials during the Super Bowl, it is clear where the idea to trash nature came from. I wrote to the manufacturers on social media, because I am crotchety too, it seems. Seriously, though, the very clear messaging was tearing up off-road pristine amazing views and thinking it was fun, fun, fun. Very masculine messaging, as most car advertising is. Own the road. Own not the road. Own everything. It's all for your enjoyment. :-(

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Have you heard this? They mention local newspapers so I’d hoped you’d enjoy it.

I’m listening unknown account to What is the Upper Valley? from Brave Little State on my Vermont Public app!


Brought to you by Vermont Public



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Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

One reason Global Foundaries couldn't have been located in the North Country is that many of the international tech and management people would not have wanted to move their families there. I worked for a short time in the Saratoga Springs school system, where a lot of their kids went. Talking to their highly educated parents, it was clear that they saw a couple years in the US schools as fine for the language immersion, but that was about it.

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Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

Tracks in the park? My 17 year-old son and his cronies had a field day one evening in some poor guy's vacant lot. Luckily someone ratted out my kid. He spent the entire next day, a Sunday, raking and shoveling the destructive ruts by himself. He learned two things: 1) property destruction is nothing to sneeze at and 2) you really can't count on everyone as your friend.

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There should be a prize, an award program for people who recognize that their current ideas are not the same as the ideas they once held. Not that they necessarily were wrong at any point in time, but that they took in new information that was not available at the time they formed a previous opinion which changed the calculus.

Since I have the power and authority, I award a prize for this column. Keep checking your mailbox in coming weeks for documentation of this prestigious award.

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Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

thank you again, Will, for looking at history, making connections, and seeing what really helps our region (and our world). Stefanik ofter claims credit for what she votes against...and always praises herself in her newsletter So many people in our area vote for her, unaware of her hypocrisy and who she actually serves. It is the voting against anything Biden does even when it serves us and her total silence about the grave danger Trump poses to our democracy that is disgraceful, shameful.... Tne Maga republicans are our "Fifth Column," supporting what harms us, blocking what helps us, and, from within, aiding our "enemies."

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Another Gem Will - I am so envious of your use of the English language - the way you put words together like todays, by hitting the nail on the head especially your last few sentences. I look forward to reading your columns & articles whenever published. Please keep "em coming, I also admire your loving care for your wife that you always exhibit.

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Feb 25Liked by Ken Tingley

We share your outrage at motorized vandals. Ever time we come across obvious tire tracks (not bikes) on our favorite walking or biking trails it saddens, but also angers, because it demonstrates a lack of real connection with the natural surroundings and our earth.

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I agree with you! Keep writing!

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