
Trump guilty. The system works!

Bump stocks legal. The system is broken!

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Republicans: Stop the steal! Storm the Capitol!

Democrats: Bump stocks legal. Write some commentary.

(See the difference?)

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I do but any suggestions for peaceful protest?

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Commentary, resistance, and civil disobedience are all called for, in my opinion.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

"The Trump administration responded by using a 1934 law that banned machine guns as the rationale for banning bump stocks."

Yes. The Trump administration actually got a few things right. A broken clock is right twice a day.

Of course, this could be fixed through Congressional legislation. And of course, Republicans will not let that happen -- they won't pass up a chance to put politics ahead of the country.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley


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You must be thrilled at what’s happening with the leadership of the Washington post! (I’m being Sarcastic). Where but your paper will America ever get true news anymore? The NYT and Washington post are only good for puppy potty training now. 🥶😓

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I'm sure the Grahams are rolling over in their graves.

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How I disagree with you.

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In what ways do you disagree?

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Where’s Martha Alito’s shame flag when you need it?

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

There was (at least) one more mass shooting - in Buffalo NY at a grocery store and it was done by a young man who lived not too far from me here in NY. Used a bump stock. Per wikipedia:

"On May 14, 2022, a mass shooting occurred[14][15] in Buffalo, New York, United States, at a Tops Friendly Markets supermarket in the East Side neighborhood. Ten people, all of whom were African Americans, were murdered and three were injured."

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Ken, this wasnt meant as a criticism - I'm betting there were many others - too many.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

you are correct. including the march 2021 shooting at a boulder, colo., grocery store in which 10 people were killed. as you say, maggie, there are too many of these.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

The scary part of this is the "mass" shooting title leaves out so very many other deaths and injuries. I have to wonder why there isnt more public outcry about this - we leave it to a few of the kids who survived these attacks!

I dont intend this to say they are wrong but these college students that are protesting the slaughter in Gaza? They dont look around & see what is happening here where they live - where THEY are in danger of being a victim of one of these attacks?

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

what’s most maddening is how “shall not be infringed” has utterly overwhelmed “well regulated militia” in the supreme court’s decisions regarding the second amendment. unless and until a court with new members decides these cases were wrongly decided, we are well and truly screwed.

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James Madison would roll over in his grave.

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he’s been dizzy for quite a while.

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Oh yeah, way too many. The shooting Saturday won’t cause a ripple - no one died.

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And Stefanik still has not addressed it...

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Her husband is a gun lobbyist.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Of course he is.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Thank you again, Ken, for all that you have included in what could and should make us both heartsick and enraged at the injustice by those in power: the rhetoric of DeSantis (and a former governor of Florida also forbid mentioning the words "climate change" in any state government document;) the corruption of Alito and Thomas, both of whom refuse to recluse themselves; the Maga folk bowing before the power of an unhinged corrupt person who actually says what he will do to destroy democracy and our Earth;; our state Republicans who are silent; our voters who would vote for someone who, if he were in a headstart class, I would isolate until he stopped his tantrum, if he were my child I would report to the school the danger,;if he were neighbor or spouse I would use the red flag law. "If you see something dangerous report it." Just saw an incredible production of Cabaret in Hudson Falls and thought again and again it could happen here: the power of fear, hatred, greed, and ignorance. Thought again of the need to resist to protect all that is precious. So, thank you Ken, for your words

Aalso took off all references to sl

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Another great post from you! Keep writing!

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Dear Ken,

I take exception to the use of the word "we" as in "we have failed". Both you and Will are feeling the negativity.

Our society has failed, it is corrupted, too many examples on both sides of the aisle to point to, too many legislators serving themselves monetarily: serving corporations, receiving publishing and speaking remunerations, gifts and perks and not serving the people of this nation.

As ardently as I wish the election processes to reflect the will of the people, (democracy) we find constant buffers, the electoral college, re-mapping districts.

We have a responsibility to write and speak out and act for the good of those of us who are not caught up in this society that has too many "leaders" wallowing in a cesspool of corruption. That is something we can't give up. Thank you both for taking up that responsibility.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

While it is true that both sides of the aisle have negative traits, I feel the Republican Party has far and away more of them. Look how they stopped immigration reform, how they follow their MAGA leader. I feel Trump is acting like more like a tyrant.

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The GOP has always been a little more ruthless. One person’s opinion.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

My intent was “WE” collectively as a society if that helps.

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When Kurt Vonnegut wrote about these types of absurdities, it was fiction. 🤕🤦‍♂️

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Judge Roberts in his confirmation hearings said the job as he saw it was to call balls and strikes. That should have been the end of the hearings because the job of the Supreme Court is not to be a referee to disputes but to be the ultimate voice, that last chance for justice within our system of laws.

The conservative justices claim to abhor legislating from the bench, it seems what they prefer system of laws like Leviticus but of course in our far more complex world the sets of codes are much more lengthy and justices like Thomas and Alito believe that they should be far more lengthy and complex until no part of life may be lived without resort to consultation with an attorney.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Sad to say that maybe if a Supreme Court Justices' grandchild or one of these politicians grandkids lost their lives at the hands of this weaponry, maybe, just maybe the narrative would change enough to stop some of this nonsense. To think our forefathers would have endorsed perspective this 200+ years ago is absurd.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Steve Scalise was shot in 2017 and hasn't changed his mind about guns.

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Good point.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks Ken for bringing to your readers attention the tragic Supreme Court decision that defied common sense and made a mockery, once again, of the highest court in the land. Clarence Thomas has time for exotic vacations but not time to get a glimpse of the horror, pain and suffering that machine guns (there is simply no better way to define them) have wrought around the country.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Wonderful article. Wish it was in some newspapers for lots more viewing. SO, so relevant now.

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We’re catching up to local newspapers.

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I had tears in my eyes as I read your column about the SC's decision on bump stocks. It is unbelievable to see how these justices and so many others can justify this type of weapon.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

The patron political saint of Warren and Washington counties, Charles Evans Hughes, writes in his “Autobiographical Noes,,” when he was Chief Justice, “A young student wrote…to ask whether I regarded myself as a ‘liberal’ or ‘‘conservative’.’ I answered that these labels do not interest me…A judge who does his (sic) work in an objective spirit, as a judge should, will address himself (sic) conscientiously to each case, and will not trouble himself (sic) with labels.” (P. 300)

It seems that we now have a Supreme Court which has six members who appear to ask what is the conservative position and three who might appear to ask what is the liberal position. What is needed are nine members who ask what—in light of the Constitution—is the just decision? What is right for the people and best for our life together in community!

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It seems to me that Sotomayor’s opinion was not based on political ideology but in common sense reading of the intent of the 1934 law to prevent ownership of “machine guns” by ordinary citizens.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks, Mike. That’s one reason I used the qualifier, “who MIGHT appear.”

I believe the three minority justices are less prone to base their opinions on political ideology and adhere more to the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

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RemovedJun 17
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Jun 18Liked by Ken Tingley

Wow! How in the world did you ever come up with that?! Rhetorical question. Enough said. (But I will say: Please, stop using my personal name until you have the courtesy and intestinal fortitude to identify yourself and start using yours).

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RemovedJun 18
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It gives you no credibility.

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Since you continue to insult the authors of The Front Page, we will going forth remove any comments we deem that are not civil and in the spirit of discussing the issues since you are hiding behind an alias.

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Best not to respond to anonymous posters. We post our names, but they are cowards.

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Jun 18Liked by Ken Tingley

You are right. That was my first inclination. Thanks!

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If it walks like a duck…

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Thanks for the Hughes quote.

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Jun 17Liked by Ken Tingley

OK - this has absolutely nothing to do with politics etc. I just have to comment on it!

I needed to shred some paper (bank statements old nyseg bills etc) that I have just been throwing in a bag for some time. Called my garbage/recycle place to see what the rules are NOW. I was told that I can only put shredded paper in recycle bin if its in a paper bag AND its ok for me to put it in plastic and put it in the garbage bin! Since I dont have paper bags to spare Id need to BUY them!

The thing is - we now do not have to separate plastic or paper nor break up boxes (although I do because Amazon-right?) It truly makes me question just exactly how much recycling is actually being done.

I'm done - sorry for injecting "garbage" into the middle of this. Somehow it didnt make feel better to have this conversation with my dog or cat - needed to sort of vent.

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I've heard concerns about this before. I use the transfer station in Queensbury where you have to separate all the recyclables. I like that I'm forced to do that.

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Jun 18Liked by Ken Tingley

I agree - its worth the extra effort, and we used to have to do that. Break down boxes & tie them together - separate plastics etc & paper. Just have to wonder why that now isnt necessary - and who & where are they doing that now?

Just one more little(!) issue to think about, right?

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I believe that some of the trucks they now have can do the sorting. I think I read that somewhere. I'm hoping that is the case.

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Meggie search for “Plastic Wars (full documentary) | FRONTLINE” and see where it leads.

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Thanks - will do.

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