Both republicans and democrats have been purging moderates from their party for some time. Problem is (and it's a big one for citizens) nothing gets accomplished as politicians refuse to meet in the middle to pass any meaningful legislation. The SCOTUS public opinion polls are, deservedly, at an all time low. This week, between SCOTUS rulings and the Jan 6 Committee emergency hearing have given Americans every right to be pessimistic about the future of this country, especially future generations. We boomers benefitted from the sacrifices and accomplishments of the Greatest Generation. We will be handing down a very different and dangerous world to our children and grandchildren. If you're a person who believes in the power of prayer, start praying. We're going to need it.

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I am afraid for the next generation. This minority rule is ensuring that woman and minority groups are marginalized; knee capping the EPA (which is only the start of the destruction of the Administrative State) and slashing voting rights fall neatly in their plans. This leaves little opportunity for the majority to change anything in the future. Our standing in the world will be diminished and life as we know it is about the change in a terrible way. Yes, I am pessimistic. People haven't been paying close attention and thinking that their elected leaders have been doing their job to make our lives better. This Fall's election is our last chance to elect leaders who are equally pessimistic in hopes that they will do something to change the course.

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Enjoyed the messages; an elegant answer and support for our current times. Thank you.

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The magazine Changing Times ( now Kiplinger’s) always had a quote on the contents page. “These times, like all times, are good ones if we but know what to do with them.” It’s by Emerson and always seemed like good words to live by.

I don’t watch cable TV. Mostly I watch Great Courses’ lectures. The very best professors on history, philosophy, religion, what have you. That’s a plug for them, but only buy them on sale (pro tip). It seems like people never really change much, only the scenery.

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I am pessimistic about the future as well. I am especially concerned about their latest decision re the APA & climate change as well as the rights of women.

Also, I read that one million Democrats have changed to Republican this past year.

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I meant the EPA, not the APA.

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I wonder if that is to vote in Republican primaries to choose candidates that will lose to Dems in November?

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If the EPA gets handcuffed like it looks like what my happen, Wow pessimissin abounds. God bless us now and our children and grand children in their futures!!!

Carl Ross - @ Cedars in QBY NY

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I was just reading about your trip to accompany your son to set up an apartment in New Orleans.

I hope he is able to find an apartment in a part of an old house like my husband and I did for graduate school there. It's great to be a part of the city.

To make money and survive while living there, I worked the census in 2000. I was a crew leader in New Orleans East. I had, as a member of my crew, as one of the enumerators, a distinguished gentleman who was a founding person in the Amistad Project, which archives are housed at Tulane University. I met many interesting people while living there. Marc Morial used to come into the coffee shop near our house in Mid-City in the mornings. He was mayor of New Orleans at the time. I never actually talked with him, but I think my husband did once. But it was nice to know that the mayor just hung out where regular people did.

At that time, in 2000, the WWII museum was just getting started. It has grown to be a National Treasure. I haven't been to the museum for years. But, there is always something big happening in New Orleans. I'm sure your son will love living there and will contribute much to its vitality.

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You have stated exactly my sentiments. So happy to have them said in such an concise and thoughtful manner. In all my years of observing and being active in local political matters, I have never felt the way I do now. What kind of world are we leaving for the next generations. I can only hope and pray that they are wise and strong enough to overcome what now seems to be the norm.Though we have made great strides in medicine and technology over the years, we as a species are still where we always have been power and money grabbing.,to heck with my neighbor.

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