Vote. Like your life depends on it. Because it does.

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As always, Thank you for your wonderful articles!

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

I saw at least three American Flags being flown upside down around the Plattsburgh area.

This sickens and saddens me. Especially as we remember the "beginning of the end" of WWII with the 80th anniversary of D-DAY and the defeat of dictators.

Guaranteed that Elise will be praising the men and women of The Greatest Generation in one of her infamous "my statement on" missives then within hours she will be name calling and attacking President Biden and his family as he salutes the sacrifices of Americans who served and those who gave their all on the beaches of Normandy.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

You are giving us an important space to respond to your important points and to make suggestions as to how best to help GOTV (Get out the Vote). Venues like "www.indivisible.org" provide specific options for phone banking and letter writing and perhaps ways to talk to neighbors who might have different opinions . Thom Hartmann always ends his podcast reminding us "Democracy is not a spectator sport." Podcasts like "Gaslit Nation" provide perspectives outside mainstream cable news.

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Far more likely it happens here under the guise of the government taking care of us, a process well under way.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Yes, you're absolutely correct -- that's precisely what the Republican Party and its next presidential candidate have said they will do. And that process is well under way in criminal felon Trump's campaign.

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Yes, I know I am correct. The proof is in the raft of unearned benefits, top down regulation and substitution of equity for equality.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

If Trump is elected, concerns over "unearned benefits, top down regulation and substitution of equity for equality" will look like the good old days after Trump and his acolytes get done effectively abrogating the Constitution.

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To you, perhaps.

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To everyone.

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No, not everyone.

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I don't think the statistics on the disparity in income between the well off and the not so well off support this.

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The purpose of our Constitutional government is not redistribution of wealth. That is another form of government. You make my point exactly.

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Preamble to the Constitution specifies that it was written to “ establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…” Redistribution of wealth becomes a Constitutional necessity when excessive wealth threatens Justice, domestic Tranquility, the general Welfare, and when large portions of the populace are denied he Blessings of Liberty due to the wealth disparity.

You should read the Constitution more often.

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Mike, the Doctrine of necessity? Can you explain how large portions of the populace are denied he Blessings of Liberty due to the wealth disparity?

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“PROMOTE the general welfare”, not redistribute equity.

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I would recommend you read Sinclair Lewis' "It can't happen here." How it happens is with the government controling the free press and the military. Trump recently said he would fire all the generals and use police to round up immigrants with no mention of due process. I believe that is of far more concern.

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As Chief Executive and Commander in Chief the replacement of generals is certainly within his Constitutional power.

Rounding up and deportation of those who have invaded the Nation without proper authority to be here is certainly reasonable. The fact he does not mention due process does not negate the likelihood of using due process. You assume which is hardly journalistic.

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"I would recommend you read Sinclair Lewis' "It can't happen here." How it happens is with the government controling the free press and the military."

A book of fiction Ken. Hardly a book of history or prehistory.

FYI the government already controls the military and according to many verified reports it has already influenced reporting of the news. The former is constitutionally enshrined, the latter was done by the two most recent Democrat administrations.

Perhaps you should read 1984.

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Regarding immigrants, if they are here ILLEGALLY, where is the problem??

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

You seem excessively concerned about losing your wealth to others. I am wondering where that insecurity comes from as you have stated in the past that you are comfortable. Historically, economic insecurity has come with Republican administrations.

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I am always concerned about government intrusion into my life. We all should be. It is a founding principle.

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Indeed. Hence the reason that attempts to attack women's rights are meeting deep resistance among The People even in heavily Republican states.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

I think it’s already happened here.

We have Republican elected officials and former members of Trump’s administration calling for prosecution of Democrats for the sole purpose of retribution for criminal felon Trump’s Manhattan conviction. Not to mention the rampant violent threats on social media against prosecutors and judges in the numerous Trump indictments. One prominent far-right media figure, Laura Loomer, who has Trump’s support, has called for executing Democrats.

When a major political party no longer respects the rule of law and our judicial system, making baseless claims and vows of prosecutorial retribution, we can say it’s already happened here.

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OMG, how is that in any way funny? I find your response not only shocking but irresponsible for any citizen.

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You are right. It is actually tragic comedy.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6


Your substack is filled with comments by you and your cultists that are outright insane. Maybe if you and all would just take your feet off the pedal just a little bit, your lives would be a little easier, and more fair and balanced.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

"irresponsible"?? Another personal attack.

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Not an attack. An observation.

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The irony is that the House committee on weaponizing government is "weaponizing" government. If you put this in a movie, no one would believe the absurdity.

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Please explain how the House committee on weaponizing gov't when the House has been afforded robust oversight powers under the Constitution???

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When none of the accusations are true, it is an abuse of that power. Still waiting to hear who the Deep State is. Do you have an address?

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As stated earlier by Mike, look it up.

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You don’t know! You just repeat what you hear on Fox News while remaining anonymous. That is cowardly. I sign my name to anything I write. That gives you no credibility.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6

Which major political party fits that narrative?? The one that allowed 10MM illegal immigrants without a care in the world?? That added an incredible amount of financial stresses to several border states, and sanctuary cities that realized providing sanctuary was more than they could chew?? The one that has shoved their climate change agenda down our throats, without caring about the add'l costs to taxpayers, when a more moderate approach would have been more feasible and acceptable?? The one that practically told Putin to go ahead and invade Ukraine, after the incredibly embarrassing, deadly and costly $80 billion+ escape with our tail btwn our legs fiasco in Afghanistan?? The one that pushed DEI "logic" to appoint a SC judge when others may have been more qualified??? (I'll throw in Mayorkas, the WH press person, Buttegieg, etc.)

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

I've come to the conclusion that Americans (generally) are afraid of the future and what it means for their children/grandchildren. Where opinions diverge is who is better to lead our country. Seems like one half of the electorate is of the opinion that only Trump can fix America and the other half fears what this country would be like if Trump does get re-elected. Scary times indeed. Personally I'm not a fan of either candidate but will be basing my vote on what a (new) Trump cabinet would look like vs. what Biden's cabinet looks like. To me, that choice is clear.

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What is perplexing to me is why people think a billionaire playboy who has flaunted the rules his whole life is the guy to stick up for the working class and regular people. His legislative record is sparse during his first term, his response to Covid cost thousands of lives and his assault on the rule of law could lead to our downfall. I'd vote for a ham sandwich before I'd let him near the Oval Office. Vote for character and you will never go wrong.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

You’re right. But I think the majority of Trump supporters are so consumed by hate for Democrats, the establishment, our institutions, science, public health, and our present-day culture that they’re willing to overturn our democracy as retribution. They’re willing to do almost anything long as they gain control. Facts and rationality are mere inconveniences to be ignored. At least, that’s what they’ve shown us so far.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

He hates who they hate. It really is that simple. Immigrants taking away all the good paying jobs (damn. I wanted to clean those hotel rooms for minimum wage) the educated elites who think they’re so much better than me reading books and using all that annoying correct grammar, the gays! I mean, why do they have to be so loud and have all these flags and be so “I’m authentically happy being me,” and don’t even get me started on women! Remember when a man’s word was law in the household and he could expect to come home to a home cooked dinner and cute, well behaved white kids? Yessiree Bob! Trump will bring that all back. And also jail politicians we don’t like. Win win.

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You hit the nail on the head. They actually hate each other and themselves. Sad lost souls.

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I cannot speak for the majority of Trump supporters, but I can and will say that the cultists on this substack have a level of hatred of Trump and his supporters that is way beyond normal, is persistent, relentless and absolutely makes me laugh!!! This stuff is great!!!!

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It is not hate. There are facts that can be checked to show a multitudfe of lies and promises to end our democracy. It is not hate. It is concern about the future of democracy. Unlike the fictional Deep State person you are afraid of.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

"It is not hate." When your comments start to devolve into disparaging remarks and personal attacks against commenters, then that indicates there is hatred of Trump and his supporters. Deep down, there is definitely hatred.

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Tingley

I don’t think people on here hate Trump. They see him for what he is and are concerned about what he can/will do to this country if elected. Last night the Senate Republicans refused to protect the rights of women to get contraceptives. This is his plan. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


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As a woman, I thought the right to reproductive rights and autonomy for my body were also covered under the Constitution until the Supreme Court decided they weren’t. So the only way I believe that women will have the right to contraception is if it was made into a law. If they have no plans of coming after it, why didn’t they vote for it?

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I think the bigger question is will such a law be deemed unconstitutional, leaving it to the States to deal with it.

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Every job application I ever filled out asked if I’d ever been convicted of a felony. Donald Trump couldn’t get hired to manage a McDonald’s. Lucky for him he can still be their number one customer. ☝️

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Pretty good chance that his "conviction" will get overturned on appeal.

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Jimmy Carter had a lot of character, but.............................................

Barack thought he had character, but.........................................

Biden has NO character, and Harris has even less.

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I fear his hate has permeated our society. I fear we've turned a corner. I pray we can stay one nation under God.

I recall thinking w the recounts in Fl Bush vs Gore 2000 were going to mean riots. What I fear now is more concerning.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Loved, loved the dog story. Made me cry. They are family and we love our pets beyond recognition. 💗

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It is a great story. Go hug your pet today.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

I do everyday all day. They are my babies.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

What if local Police took upside down distress calls seriously and made wellness checks every time they saw one? I wonder what effect that would have?

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Probably not good.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Evidence of dishonesty reared it's ugly face yesterday when the Post Star published an article about "Bullet" funding for Whitehall Schools to replenish their library. Lo and behold there appears smiling Matt Simpson giving the appearance that he actually played a role. Well, the bill that funded it, A03006 was voted NAY by Simpson. This blatant dishonesty infuriates me. I emailed the reporter and cc'd Steve Thurston. Steve actually responded. Now some may think, oh, politicians do that all the time. It doesn't make it right. It amounts to free campaign fodder and speaks to me Simpsons lack of character.

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It is fraud.

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No, Ken, it is not. If it is, then Biden just committed fraud by issuing his recent exec order over the border.

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Tingley

That makes no sense.

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I’m pretty much trying to remain committed to not engaging with the troll. Anonymous one, at that. Maybe if we ignore him he’ll go away. 🤫

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Tingley

And a news story should include that kind of information when politicians are involved.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

You are so on point! Thank you!

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks Ken!

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

You are correct.

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No, your god is not.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

I just got through a post on FB about a man contacting a journalist about his mom's (gran?) story of Communist take over in Czechoslovakia and how she's afraid she's seeing same signs here. Anyhow, looks like a twist on taking the scary signs we see from the actions of the extremists of the GOP, as coming from commy-sounding Dems. Talk about spin.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

I believe you are downplaying just how fundamentally we have changed as a nation.

It used to be that American presidents vowed that we do not negotiate with terrorists.

Not only did the now convicted felon Donald Trump negotiate with terrorists, he (through his Sec of State Pompeo) negotiated surrender of the United States of America to the terrorist Taliban who were not even the government of Afghanistan at the time.

Think about that for a minute.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

AND wanted to bring them to Camp David for a meeting!!! Somewhere - somehow - someone had an epiphany thinking that was a bad "look".

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That totally freaked me out! Thank goodness some in his cabinet talked him out of it. If elected again, there will be no safeguards in his cabinet!

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Hmmm....., I seem to remember Barack negotiating the release of a bunch of bad ass terrorists from Gitmo for Berghdal, who was later court martialed.

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Jun 5Liked by Ken Tingley

In the Afterword of my new book, From the Files of Filomena Devlin, Reporter and Nazi Hunter, set in New York City in 1939, I tell the reader it was in high school that I read "It Can't Happen Here". The influence of the novel stuck with me, helped to form my political ideology, and more recently has haunted me, its warning manifesting during the eight years of the rise of Donald Trump. It is the reason I published the manuscript that I had tucked away after its first draft in 2016. I write with humor and present a mystery--Nazis in New York--because our lives are already burdened with the seriousness of what is happening in our country today.

Today, the political and societal conditions in the United States are nearly identical to those in 1939: The end of a devastating war, (WWI/Iraq-Afganistan), a world-wide pandemic killing millions (Spanish Flu/COVID 19), economic boom of the 1920s leading to the Stock Market Crash and the collapse of the world economy is reflected in today's battle over crushing inflation. Then there is the rise of authoritarians around the world, and the wannabe one in America. The rise of the America First movement in the 1930s is repeating the desire for isolationizm today. People are exhausted from all the stife of war, disease, and depression, and are willing to relinquish their responsibilities as engaged citizens to someone who promises "Only I can fix this."

Well, we can't fall asleep. No time for naps. Only WE can fix this!

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"Today, the political and societal conditions in the United States are nearly identical to those in 1939". Yes, on some things. WWI compared to Iraq/Afghanistan?? Nope. Spanish flu/COVID 19?? COVID19 was allowed to occur because Fauci et al failed to monitor/obtain reports for over two years (according to recent testimony from at the Senate Select Committee hearing on COVID19 )from the Wuhan lab that recv'd NIH funding, resulting in the lab apparently deviating from the purpose of the funding without interference.

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