RemovedJul 7
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The Supreme Court's ruling, as I understand it, exempts criminal acts from prosecution when they are committed by a president in the course of his official acts. I agree it would have been helpful to have some guidance on what official acts are. But I think you're missing the point. The crimes don't have to be part of the definition of official acts to be exempt from prosecution; they just have to have been committed as the president was engaging in official acts. For example, the president is meeting with leaders of the country's biggest unions. He or she gets angry at one of the union leaders and says, "You'll do what I say or I'll have you killed! Don't think I won't. I'll order a drone hit on your car as you're driving home tonight!" Threatening to kill someone is a crime, but the president would be exempt, because this crime was committed in the course of an official act (meeting with union leaders).Or, as another example, he or she says to a foreign leader, "You'll get those bombers you want if you let my son-in-law (whoever that is) build a hotel complex in your capital city."

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RemovedJul 7·edited Jul 7
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Yes, that's the point. Crimes committed by a president while engaged in official acts are immune from prosecution.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

You’re quite right.

Our political discourse has degenerated from a sincere discussion of public policy into insults, bullying, lies, misinformation, and attacks. What we used to call dirty politics is standard campaigning now. Perhaps I’m biased, but I see our current debased political environment as emanating from the right-wing and from the Republican Party.

Our Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is a prime example. That she’s seen as a "rising star" in the Republican Party is telling.

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

I, too, get so frustrated when I hear people say “Democrat” Party. I’ve heard anchors on TV repeating it as well. It’s become “normal” like so much of the angry, insulting political discourse.

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

Thank you again, Will...

Your distinctions of words and phrases, the effect of language, the history of the laws, and Stefanik's continually total support of Trump, and lies, and his and her desire for total power--exactly. Their "program" for the future, the return to the past, the traditional family, Christian religion. attitudes ferreting out any one not totally loyal to Trump in any government and bureaucratic position is clear. No guardrails. Admiration for Orban and Putin...My continual question--given what they state and how obvious the usurpation of power-- is why and how could people vote for them, despite so many people, like you, exposing the danger, and like the small group of women in the Supreme Court writing excellent dissent opinions and saying, like Sotomayor: I dissent. As we all should, doing all we can to speak what is true.

and, on another note, I love the walks in the woods and the photos in the art gallery. (It was a beautiful exhibit). Nature and the arts (the wonderful Old Songs music festival last weekend) capture diversity and beauty, capture the beauty and bounty of life. They are antidotes to the poison of lies and violence. Perhaps that is why the right wing always tries to suppress and ban and burn the forces of life and beauty. .

Thanks again, Will

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Three comments:

1) If you read comments of Stefaniks social media, you'll see all kinds of variations of the word democratic and democrats lol.

Her social media presence is whipped up and sometimes is posting every two to three hours with the same talking points.

I have a block list that would impress anyone - most of it is from individuals who post on her media - some locals- whom I just can't tolerate anymore. Some are people who've sent me private messages where I've been called a whore, a Communist, baby killer...some say they're going to find me and I'll get what's coming to me.

Unfortunately there's no recourse unless I receive a death threat .

I urge everyone to pick up the phone and call her DC office and simply state she's a liar not concerned with anyone in this district unless they are a top contributor. And that you do not support trump as she claims upstate in its entirety does.

2) I am blessed to know so many artists...the list is long....mostly due to the years I worked at RockHill, which always supported local art.

I admire their talents and am glad to live in a community that's recognizing how much we all need beauty and creativity in our lives.

Come on over to the east side where the art community is in full swing!

I looked out the window of the packaging room and was startled to see a head and a paintbrush pop up ! It was Rachel Rhianna painting tendrils on the brick.

3) Project 2025 is now being talked about loudly. I think this helps the *demonrat* 🤣🤣🤣 party !

ONE MORE : BAD FAITH DOCUMENTARY is free with commercials on Tubi which is a free subscription.

I urge everyone to watch this. It is hard and upsetting to watch...the right wing evangelists have had a plan for many years and Reagen was one of the first to use it.

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You might find this link to be useful. https://oce.house.gov/contact-us/make-a-submission

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Thank you! I did look at this as you suggested.

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You probably wouldn’t approve, but after years of being annoyed by “Democrat Party,” and at the instance of my brother, I generally refer to the others as the “Repuglican Party” [sic].

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks, Will!

One of the finer explanations and exposes I’ve read on the topic and the present situation . Rather than clarifying the issue of presidential immunity, the Supreme Court has confused it more. No person is above the law, no matter what SCOTUS says!

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

"We may soon have a corrupt man [again] in the most powerful position in the country who has recently been told by the nation's highest court he can break the law with impunity." // Are the 6 in somebody's pocket? Are they gambling Trump will win- and that he will be the United States of America's last president? Small-minded, vain, petty, insecure, and arrogant know-it-all's think: everybody should be like "me." This is how their decisions read. Do they not realize [perish the thought] Trump-the-Totalitarian [or any other "such a one"] would have zero need for a "supreme" court. Again, they have far over-stepped their bounds. Maybe it's time for the sane citizens of this country to fly our Stars and Stripes upside-down: for reasons that could not be further from why the Alitos, and their confederates, do.

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

The problem with Stefanik and too many other GOP offuceholders is that many of their constituents are unaware of the Constitutional reality to so much of our governing system thar they readily believe these falsehoods. Their lack of familiarity with Constitutional doctrine is a failure of an educational system too focused on knowledge deemed practical tor careers and jobs and not enough on creating good citizens for an open and democratic society. As Professor Robert Clayton told me at what was then ACC, education is about making better people.

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

...I like that: "Education is about making better people." / And: If an educated person is a better person, many apparently educated people [Elise Stefanik, for instance- despite her Harvard "education"] are, obviously, not. Thus, a college degree does not necessarily indicate that the holders of same received an education. (and, vice versa: no degree is necessarily required for one to be educated).

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

Some people who are born to the purple arrogantly believe they are already better and Ivy League degrees prove it even though they learned nothing.Some are unwilling to be educated. You can't force them to be educated. Speaking for myself, my four years in college made me a better person. Most of my friends openly admit the are better for their education. You are entitled to your opinion. That doesn't change the truth of the professor's statement. In a society that showed more respect for knowledge instead of crack-pated Internet-spread conspiracy theories and misinformation perhaps the nation would be in a better place.

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks Will for your thoughts this morning.

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

Dear Will,

Thank you for making it clear how politicians like Stk can twist and obfuscate decisions and statements. Thaank you for again underlining the blatant quest for power above and beyond the law and ideals of democracy. The very idea of immunity for politicians, our lawmakers (citizens by the way) from any kind of deliberate misleading, capricious and self-serving acts or civil crimes is to me, eye opening!!! Why? Honesty, integrity and service have long ago been written out of the expected behavior of our representatives, including the most powerful one.

Ideals like "No one is above the law" and "One man,[or woman], One vote" really don't exist in our, and surely, in any country on earth, especially when money and power is involved. The best thing any one of good conscience can do is to help expose the dangers. Thank you both for helping to fight the Good Fight and not forgetting to see and wrte about the beauty of life.

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley, Will Doolittle

Love the photos of Ringo in the park...behold the hydrant!!

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Jul 7Liked by Ken Tingley

I recall reading a recent SCOTUS ruling that blurs the lines between bribery and a corporate gratuity, dangerous territory indeed. Given what you have written, I fear for more lenient interpretations down the road with the Former president. Stefanik routinely refers to Trump as if he's still president.

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Disingenuous,,dishonest,,deceptive and unworthy of representing the people in our district. She promised, in 2014 at the debate in Old Forge " a new generation of politician, working across the aisle for the good of all, supporting term limits and accessibility .to constituents ". In my opinion Elise has not lived up to any of these promises. In the past 10 years she has demonstrated a desire for power, is an election denier, called the insurrectionists patriots , ridiculed the judges and the democrats blaming them for Trumps convictions and attacked members of her own party who criticize Trump such as Liz Chaney ,who supported the findings of the J-6 investigation.

Elise Stefanik is unworthy of being a fair representative of the people.

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Let's underscore the fact that Stefanik repeatedly uses her taxpayer-funded House.gov account to perpetrate her lies and insincerity. I am offended by her continuous references to the "failed Biden presidency" that are proffered at our expense. It is a violation of House ethics rules. https://oce.house.gov/contact-us/make-a-submission

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Liberals get mad at me when I say this but it is pretty indisputable: Elise Stefanik well represents the desires of the majority of NY21 voters. Given her continued re-election by larger and larger margins, I don't see how anyone can dispute this.

They tend to get angry when I say this because they conflate representing her constituents' desires and representing their interests. She clearly does the former very well. She also clearly has no interest in the latter whatsoever. Since the majority of her constituents dont' seem interested in the latter either, here we are.

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If she truly represents the people of the district why does she take credit for funding she voted against?

Clearly she believes her constituents desire infrastructure spending in the district but she votes no.

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You'll notice she votes against this funding when she knows it's going to pass anyway. So yes, whining about Big Government while happily accepting Big Government largesse is very much in line with the majority of her constituents.

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