Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Your deep dive into her background tells the story. Elise is as cold, calculating and cruel as the man she worships.

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Jul 4Liked by Ken Tingley

Yes. Is that really considered “success”?

I wouldn’t want it for my daughter.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Elise Stefanik has mastered that famous Dick Cheney lip sneer. Reminds me of that famous cartoon character Snidley Whiplash. Dick Cheney and daughter, Liz. stood up to protect the constitution. Elise Stefanik stood up to protect Trump.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Dave has touched so many lives, it is beyond measure. He is a wonderful man and will be missed by all. The world was a better place with him in it. His wife Janice is also a wonderful person and a dear friend.

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“...she had without exception the most stupid, vulgar, empty mind that he had ever encountered. She had not a thought in her head that was not a slogan, and there was no imbecility, absolutely none that she was not capable of swallowing if the Party handed it out to her. 'The human sound-track' he nicknamed her in his own mind.” - George Orwell, 1984

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Boy - I guess Stefanik could use that as her campaign slogan!! Seems to fit.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

I subscribe to Letters From An American & Civil Discourse - quite often I post a link to this blog on there - will be doing it today!!!

So enjoy reading your "newspaper"!

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Thanks for the support. I also subscribe to Heather Cox Richardson and I recommend it to all with its ability to put current events in historical context.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Joyce Vance at Civil Discourse is very informative.

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I don’t know if you read Robert Hubbell. He has a great column today.


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Do subscribe to Seth Abramson?? A real nutbag!!!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Stefanik is a heartless, soulless, narcissistic psychopath. Lying is like breathing. It's sad and confusing at the same time trying to understand how the tough old north country folks have been duped by this silver spoon fed spoiled brat. As far as motherhood, who spends the first three years of their child's life doing everything except being a mother? When the molesting orange clown loses and the House turns blue her career is over.

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I pray so

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Hilary Clinton

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

The fact that Warren County Occupancy Tax revenues are up almost 30% is indicative of an interesting trend in the tourist accommodation business in the area. This week North Country Public Radio reported that occupancy rates in Adirondack area hotels and motels are at an at an all time high. Tourists in the Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake and Lake Placid areas are avoiding a traditional stay in typical motel or hotel settings and instead choosing Short Term Rental ( STR) houses and condos as their vacation retreat. That phenomenon bears directly and proportionally to rising asking prices and selling prices on “ vacation homes” as entrepreneurs envision great business opportunities in operating an STR anywhere and everywhere, including the “ house next door”. Many local zoning ordinances, health codes and safety regulations are currently inadequately addressing the issue. The Warren County Occupancy Tax is being applied to the “ transaction “ yet , in most of the North Country towns and villages our local governments are struggling to figure out if an STR is a business? ....or simply a residential rental? If you live near or next to an STR you can quickly figure out that it’s a business. STR’s seem to be another unintended and unexpected consequence of the worldwide internet marketplace.

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Super important topic for discussion.

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Why is it super important??

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Good summary of the transition of representative to showmanship and selfish ambition. She sure did revel in the noteriety of being youngest rep, and keeps craving more.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

"It shows that she was never motivated by principles, and that’s deeply disappointing."

No, it is deeply disturbing.

Elise Stefanik scares me.

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She should.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

The poet William Stafford writes about our "following a thread" in our life. You have followed Stefanik's thread and now her threat, attacking with vicious language anyone who wants truth, freedom, dignity--lying and wanting power. For me always the question how we sometimes sell our soul...and, even more, how we sell our country, our environment, our democracy. I think of our now Supreme Court and their recent shameful decisions giving unlimited power to a President King, to polluting corporations, to the patriarchal forces, to guns ....Thank you for speaking for truth and democracy....

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It can be very discouraging.

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Why did you remove Carl Tucker’s comments from your previous article?? I have found his comments to have balance and informative.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

We can only wish....however, Elise is who she is, and again, we can only hope she's tapped as tRump's VP partner, then she's gone. I still don't understand the North Country's "love affair" with her. She's "satan" personified when it comes to anything that would benefit the average citizen of this district...Oh well, we can only hope she'll find her dream job out of our district, then crash and burn.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

I'm speechless! has anyone seen the video clips of the SCOTUS individual responses to presidential immunity during their confirmation hearings? Google it. THEY LIED THROUGH THEIR TEETH!!!

I'm all for a Blue senate and Blue House bringing articles of impeachment against members of SCOTUS!!! More than ever, we need to vote blue in November.

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It is pretty startling. I really wonder what is going on behind closed doors. One of the justices needs to tell us about their discussions. Sotomayer's descents have been scathing. Even the conservatives disagree with how far they should go.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

I agree. We'll never know. I do believe impeachment is in order here.

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Can you provide the source as I would like to watch. Thanks!

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

I would like to think that 40 is the start of Stefanik's downfall.

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I fear that is not the case, although Steve Bannon is in jail and Rudy Giuliani was just disbarred so some justice has prevailed.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Lying Elise!!! A classic prop for the Rove REP's and party dirty tricks from the beginning of her run all the way to now. Doheny's disappearance from the ballot (even though he had another line after losing REP nomination and promised to run) is just another example of how they play. I saw a great comment on Facebook the other day that was posted saying Donald Trump already has ruled her out for VP "because she is 30 pounds overweight!" Guess what? That's typical of the way Trump thinks and operates especially when it comes to women. Trump sees women as something that men should have full control over. Abortion was overturned by Trump and he takes full credit for it. After this SCOTUS session, and the new powers that Justice Roberts had bestowed on the office, I'd say everyone needs to vote DEM again or beware. She's an empty suit, lying, ring kissing, opportunist with no soul, morals or ethics. IN other words, the perfect MAGA Moron REP.

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Times columnist Bret Stephens said he was told that about the 30 pounds.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Cases come before the Supreme Court because someone, somewhere, somehow, feels they have experienced injustice that is unconstitutional. The Court’s job is twofold: To bring clarity to murky Constitutional questions, and to have that clarity bring justice to the wronged party. This latest decision on immunity does neither. As I understand it (and please correct me if I’m wrong, because I have tried to avoid all punditry and spin on this until I’ve managed to digest it on my own), the Supreme Court said Presidents have absolute immunity for official actions taken as President and not for actions taken for personal reasons, but they did not define what the difference between an official and personal act is, leaving it up to the lower courts to figure that out. If I’m right about that, it is an amazingly stupid and cowardly decision, and one needs only to apply it to the current situation to see just how idiotic it is. Joe Biden is now President, and Donald Trump is a mighty thorn in his side. So can he now declare Trump’s candidacy to be a national security threat, send Seal Team 6 to take him out, and enjoy immunity from prosecution because it was an official act? Really? It’s ridiculous to think, but isn’t that basically what they just said? Most of their decisions lately come with the admonishment to Congress to get its act together and write better laws, but right now Congress would be unable to legislate its way out of a paper bag, what with the Republicans almost to a one thinking their job is to suck up to Trump, not be a co-equal branch of government. They had an opportunity to come down clearly on the side of common sense and they squandered it.

I am editing this to add that bringing justice to the party that brought the case doesn’t always mean they get what they want. Sometimes justice requires them to accept that what was done to them WAS in accordance with the Constitution.

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Tayna, you write ‘So can he now declare Trump’s candidacy to be a national security threat, send Seal Team 6 to take him out, and enjoy immunity from prosecution because it was an official act?”

Maybe, but Biden might need to get past the “Posse Comitatus Act” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

As would Trump if he wanted to use troops to round up immigrants and put them in concentration camps. The difference being, I believe, if Biden tried to do it there would still be enough Democrats horrified by it to stop him. If Trump is re-elected, his toadies would cheer him on. But I wasn’t saying this is what Biden ought to do, although it would at least put an end to Trump’s constant lies. I was using the example to show how off base the Supreme Court decision is.

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I would expect that such an action would run afoul of an existing law and or the Constitution. Regardless, our Second Civil War would surely start.

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Jul 3Liked by Ken Tingley

Here is an interview President Biden did last October - about 9 months ago - with John Harwood. I hadnt seen it - of course it was 9 months ago, BUT Biden speaks softly and slowly - THAT is Biden - Seems some Dems need to remember that. This link should be good.


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