Elise Stefanik has said that VP Harris is unfit to be president. She owes us all an update after that debate on whether she thinks Donald Trump is fit. As humorous as “they’re eating dogs” is, it’s gotta be concerning to all of us whose rational brains still work.

On Thursday there were buildings In Springfield Ohio that received bomb threats. Haitian immigrants there are receiving threats. This is mostly because of Trump who is hanging these days with Laura Loomer who’s so unhinged Marge Greene is calling her out for it.

Trump had a rally Thursday in Arizona which he mistakenly referred to as Pennsylvania. He’s still doubling down on the racist crap about the pets being eaten.

It’s hard to pick out a part of the debate that most shows him as unfit. The racist xenophobia? The fact his brain seems more cognitively malfunctioning all the time? How easily manipulated he showed himself to be?

Hopefully Trump is going to be slaughtered on November 5. The Republican Party deserves to be too. Because of gerrymandering and red states that get 2 senators despite only having a half million people they probably won’t be.

Harris said during the debate that Trump had been described as a disgrace. Stefanik is at least as much of one.

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Although Stefanik is a calculating disgrace. Once she lost the vice president sweepstakes, she seems to be looking forward to what is next for her. I don't think she wants to remain a North Country congresswoman.

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Sedition Stefanik never wanted to represent us. We were and are the pawns in her diabolical plan.

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I’ve always said the minute she thought 51% of the people in our district no longer supported Trump she would drop him like a hot potato. Perhaps she is doing some figuring on the back of an envelope right now.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Maybe the cat's got Stefanik's tongue. The cat the residents are not eating?

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Thanks I'm still laughing... ☕

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Stefanik read the ketchup on the wall…she’s hitched her wagon to a loser…

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I see that “Elies” is taking credit for a federal grant of $1,784,000 to upgrade and repair Lake Luzerne’s drinking water system. Does anyone know whether the money in question comes from the infrastructure bill she voted against?

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Of course she would.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Thanks Ken for your remarks about the balloon festival! We do take this inspiring event as normal! It does so much for our communities, pride in our reality, and individual aspirations. Kudos to all who have supported and encouraged this unique addition to our lives!

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My wife and I's anniversary falls late September. A good chance for a family outing. We have enjoyed this festival all these years. Very fond memories of our two oldest playing happily on the grass. Simple pleasures of life, flying a kite w my oldest son. Playing catch. Wife n oldest daughter checking out the tents of local vendors hand made items. Enjoying the weather and a picnic snack fest. Music and food available. Yes the awesomeness of being so close as these beautiful balloons take shape and take flight.

A good memory.

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So many times, it seemed like a chore to be heading out to the festival to find a parking place at Crandall Park, or beat the traffic at the airport or SUNY Adirondack, but you know, I don't think we ever regretted it.

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Seriously missed it these past couple of years. Always cherish the Warren County Airport location.

Yes a hassle getting out but worth it for sure.

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When using more than one subject in a sentence, try each one as if the others were not right to see how it woukd be said by itself. Pronouns are difficult most would concede. So for your first sentence try: "My wife's anniversary" -- sounds right, agreed? Now try:

"I's anniversary."Oh oh! What makes the ear feel good with this? Yup--" My anniversary". So together the reasonable usage would be " My wife's and my anniversary."

If you don't like the suggested approach-- that's ok!

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I was writing fast.

My ADHD was working overtime..

Point taken.

If you get a chance check out the Balloon Festival...

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Have always loved the balloon festival which adds so much to the area.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

David Brooks’ comments on populism have some merit, as economic and class differences, which have existed as long as we humans have, do seem to explain some of the polarization in politics today. Certainly, traditional populism has historically involved “the people” versus “the elite.”

At the same time, I see a fair amount of stereotyping in Brooks’ explanation. And I think we should be careful not to take a stereotyped image too far as a full explanation of Trump supporters’ anger. One problem among many with stereotypes is that they’re a rather blunt tool to use to dissect the complexities of we humans thoughts and behavior.

For example, while rising economic inequality over the past 50 years has become a political issue, it’s been less an issue for Republicans than for Democrats. According to a Pew Research study from a few years ago, Democrats are nearly twice as likely to say there’s too much economic inequality as Republicans - 78 percent to 41 percent.

So economic inequality may appear on the surface to explain our polarization today, I think it can explain only a small part of it.

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I agree the issue is way more complex than Brooks may think. It’s not simply a matter of giving poor people more money. Some of those affluent people are affluent because of a privileged background that funneled them into successful careers, but others are smart, hardworking people who did the right things and succeeded that way. Some of those working class people, probably a lot, are held back by institutional and financial barriers, but some of them just don’t do what they need to do to get ahead. Or are doing things antithetical to getting ahead. And the reasons for that are too numerous to count. I agree that inequities in the way schools are funded absolutely lead to inequities of education and inequities of outcomes. To use a barnyard analogy: We need to put the hay down where ALL the goats can get it, and do everything we can to get them to come into the barn and eat it, while accepting that some of them will choose to go eat tin cans anyway.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Such a precious photo of Gillian and Joseph to start off these wonder-filled family recollections for all of us. May the skies again be full of these colorful reminders of the power of countless human spirits, both living and deceased, who contributed to North Country Pride.

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I always remember this photograph this time of year so it was not hard to find.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

I'm speechless!!! hahaha

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

David Brooks wrote it PERFECTLY! This inequality clash has been brewing since the '60's...I wonder if the likesof our congressional leaders will pay any attention to this???

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

I found taking the shuttle bus very convenient...used to park at East Field. I don't know if it's an option now, but it sure was a great plan.

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Must be sort of like waking up in a strange bed and wondering what you did last night...I hope it hurts, just a wee bit.

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Oh, she knows!

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

In Sedition Stefanik’s post prior to the debate, she stated “the American people are smart”.

Maybe Miss Harvard has been silent because she is distancing herself from the diabolical sociopathic narcissist’s absolutely bizarre performance . The silence is for self preservation. If too many of her voters link her to the lies and vitriol , she might lose votes. Hopefully the American people will be smart on Election Day and will reject the chaos and division and vote to save the Union.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Well - - having been a high school graduate, as are both my kids? Am I angry with the inequality both financially and economically? Hell yes. And while I get what David Brooks is saying - it does sound a bit as if hes looking down his nose (so to speak) at some of us. But as far as my politics? I changed to Democrat in 2016 - guess why! I absolutely will vote for Kamala as most if not all who read these posts like will. And oddly enough - even though I am not college educated - I'm still able most of the time to construct a fairly intelligent conversation.

Now, if I have taken offence where there should be none - I apologize. Hit kind of a sore spot. The idea that a college education solves all issues is bs. The whole student debt issue certainly says something about that, as does the fact that graduates dont seem to be able to find employment in their fields too much of the time.

I really dont get why Stefanik is still in office considering that it sounds like she doesnt do anything for her constituents other than follow tfg (the former guy) around. But I guess thats all they require her to do?

Lovely lovely balloons. We have a balloon/speidi festival here in August. It doesnt seem to be as big a thing as it is in your area. But lots of people come and enjoy it.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Good points, Maggie. A college degree is most certainly not the ticket to financial success or reflective of the ability to think critically or converse intelligently. I am of the belief that the real dividing issue is racism and white supremacy. Throw in some fear of The Other and you’ve got all you need for a TFG rally.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Fan mail alert. I just love the way you promote the cool stuff in the community. Yeah, you tackle the big issues but you show an unabashed infatuation with your community. Beautiful.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Stefanik supports the GOP ticket composed of two white wealthy men who have clearly shown that they are racists, sexists, misogynists, one is an adjudicated sexual abuser and both are prolific liars and spread dangerous and hate-filled conspiracy theories. Elise has resorted to reposting on her campaign "X" account remarks from the most far-right fringe MAGA promoters such as Laura Loomer.

Elise will use her elected office as a platform to never criticize or condemn MAGA world performers nor will she use her elected office as the "representative " for all of her NY21 constituents, only her devotees and donors. Stefanik is a disgrace and sadly I think she will remain as a stain that will be difficult to remove from North Country politics.

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Sep 13Liked by Ken Tingley

Couldn't agree more. She should not be returned to office.

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Vote Collins....

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