Love your column and genuine writing! Thank you. Hampton, NY

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Good column, Will. For me I'm tired of talking to a machine, except for Alexa, of course, she understands old folks.

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Customer service has been forever changed.

You have to jump through endless hoops to even get to the person you should be talking to and recount your problem to 10 people before you get there.

I always ask to speak to a supervisor from the start, but still don't get an answer sometimes. They usually come back with an "it's our policy" answer and refer you elsewhere.

It's aggravating and countless hours of time are spent attempting to fix a problem.

Even now when you go to a website to attempt communication you're met with the *chat* option.

I've resorted to pretending I'm a lawyer...and that's worked for me twice lol. Even got a friends money refunded by doing so after she attempted numerous times to get a refund.

The heat has been keeping me in. Just can't do it anymore .

Counting the days until fall.

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Time close your account and get a local bank gif your banking needs

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Will, thanks for your important post. It is news that all of us in the North Country need to know about and share.

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Will, in your last article you show a letter from Citizens Bank denying your claim of fraud. You then claim the police have evidence of the fraudulent charge to your credit card.

So, the question is simple. What is the evidence the supports your claim the $200 charge to your credit card is fraudulent?

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Will--sounds like a terrible situation. My thought would be to switch banks as soon as you can get renumeration for any fraud theft from your account. We've been very happy with GFNB and Adirondack Trust. Good luck.

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