"The New York State Republican Committee has come out against [Proposition One]." / Republican: the pro-discrimination Party?...

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Well of course! How many years since the first push to pass the ERA in Washington???? I'm assuming the same party opposed that.

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Dear Ken,

Not only is history important to learn and to assess past and current events, it is essential on the part of every citizen to find the truth versus the whitewashing of our history. Lately it has been both edifying and thoroughly disturbing to be reminded of past misdeeds and crimes against basic civil rights by our governmental agencies. Take the murder of Emmett Till and it's ramifications or the mass subjugation of Native American and Asian people and women in general. It is important to know these things and to fight, as you and Will do, to expose, correct and not repeat these misdeeds. Thank you for including the details about the ERA on the ballot. You note the rejection of this proposition by Republicans. I have hope that not all Republicans are so close-minded or even hypocritical to reject this long awaited statement for equal rights. Your pride in your son is well deserved. I am confident that you have instilled the same values of truth-telling that you have.

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Thank you for including Prop 1. I'm afraid the legal verbage will cause hesitation. Already MAGA reps have twisted it into an ugly, scary, version. The public needs a clearer understanding, and support from both sides. Sound bites and spittle are cheap shots.

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I can't believe that we are even discussing Prop 1. It should have been done a long time ago.

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Wonderful! Be proud!

Great reminder that history is not just a thing of the past.

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To be clear, Republicans are arguing Prop 1 will lead, essentially, to the sky falling. Boys will dominate girls sports, bathrooms will be filled with sexual predators, and I haven’t heard this one yet but probably we will all be forced to carry emergency tampon kits.

Republicans seek to stifle reiteration of core Rights through irrational fear.

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Months ago this proposition was brought before the town board and the first response from Ward 3 councilman Michael Dixon (R) was (paraphrasing) “why isn’t this already in our state Constitution?”

His gut reaction was toward protection of rights, but we will see in a month if the Republican Party has gotten to him.

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Talk about the power of a phone call! Taking Joseph's interest in history and helping him, yes, when he was only 12, is really a wonderful story. I'm thinking that Joseph may be unusual in his ability to put his whole heart into his interest from such a young age but I'm sure you and Gillian never pushed him in a different direction. It's the negative comments about money and success that damage so many dreams.

Horrifying that the ERA is STILL not an amendment after more than 100 years since it was first introduced!!!! The ups and downs of the efforts over the years are truly disheartening. Will NY cross the line this year????

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Which category of human do the Republicans find objectionable? Which deserve exclusion? Erasure? I invite our Congresswoman, Elise Stefanik, to write in and discuss.


Pronouns She, Her

But Jewish

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Funny you should write about Prop. 1. I saw my first yard sign urging voters to vote no on Prop. 1. "Save girls sports". It's like they're obsessed with women's issues and their ability to make their own decisions.

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Though Joe may never have a "rich" bank account, the sheer joy on his face tells us that he'll have a rich life. That's the most important thing.

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Speaking of the Queensbury Town Board, I saw the first campaign ad from Scott Rushlaw in the Chronicle. Two things that struck me. One, he states that he supports the voter's choice of Ward 2 representative when it's known he was the heir apparent for the appointment and was at the very meeting where the board voted to appoint to fill the vacancy on Ward 2.

Two, "together, let us bring back fiscal responsibility and take control of the Town finances and taxes" without telling the voters what exactly he'll cut? and he presumes the town is in bad fiscal shape. Again, for someone who is new to town government that's a pretty tall tale unless he's got the facts and figures to back up his claim.

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Several years ago, we had the privilege of touring the WWIi Museum in New Orleans. During our visit we actually met several WWII veterans. An honor beyond belief.

Unfortunately, only the European section was open, and I believe they were building the Pacific Section. It’s definitely on our bucket list to go back and visit again.

What a joy to see your son doing so well, with something he loves, lucky dad!

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I love your story of your son's work! I'd love to visit but will probably settle for your story of it. Thanks for the Prop 1 alert. First notice of it for me. I'm seeing few political signs so far, but those in my neighborhood are republican. I hope all the other houses are not R.

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I just saw something about it - on a site that lists all the Senators and Congress people running in each state - NYs showed Prop. No. 1.

Repub signs on my road too but I have seen several here and there for Harris/Walz, too.

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God bless Joe and may he encourage others to do what he is doing & hoping to end up, like him, able to make a decent salary at what he loves, educating & enjoying telling about what a great Country we live in. I'm not saying perfect but attempting to be able to treat everyone decently & with respect. Keep up the good work Joe & the Tingley Family have got be very proud of him.

PS I just love History & especially ours, The USA

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Good Job to Jean Lapper

I wake up each morning and get to do what I want with my body…

Women should have the same right PERIOD!!

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