The Front Page
Morning Update
Sunday, June 20, 2021
By Ken Tingnley
For all of you who have been faithfully reading my newsletter and Facebook posts over the past few months, I thank you.
You learned last week that my a collection of my columns from my years at The Post-Star is tentatively scheduled to be released on July 30 from Something or Other Publishing. This week we were reviewing promotion materials including a banner ad that will soon be on the
SOOP website and a trailer promoting the book.
It is kind of exciting to see this all come to fruition. I’m really excited for people to see the collection all under one roof. As I’ve aid before, I think the stories about your friends, neighbors and leaders have held up over time.
As I reviewed the columns and gradually pared them down, I wanted to know more about the people I wrote about and how life turned out for them afterward. I searched the internet and Facebook to find information about them. I found some information in the pages of The Post-Star, but others I had to search a little harder. Some I emailed. Others I talked to personally.
There were many happy endings and lots of life that came afterward. At the end of each column, I included a “P.S.” feature to update the subjects about lives afterward. I believe it is the best part of the book. It gives the columns context, and closure in many cases.
With the help of my book publisher, family and friends, we decided on the title, “The Last American Editor.” It isn’t referring to me as much as it is to the state of newspapers today, and maybe more importantly, the lack of commentary that is appearing in many newspapers.
The publisher is considering marketing the book and finding a way for all readers to connect with it. He is looking at how many people vote for my book on the SOOP website as an indicator.
If you voted, thank you, but maybe you can get two or three of your friends to vote for the book, too. Here is the link:
This will allow anyone who has voted to receive the latest information about when the book goes on sale and events are scheduled.
Most of all, I believe the book is a great example of story telling about people in small towns and villages. I’m hoping you agree as well.